C. Labruère-chazal

La pratique des curages ganglionnaires est-elle harmonieuse? Analyse rétrospective de 330 cas

Resume Introduction Le but de cette etude est de mettre en valeur l'extreme variabilite de la pratique des curages ganglionnaires. Materiel et methode Pour cela, une etude retrospective a ete conduite sur 330 patients ayant beneficie d'un curage cervical, axillaire ou inguinal. Dans chaque dossier etaient analyses l'affection primitive ainsi que le stade clinique, l'identite du chirurgien ayant realise le curage et de l'anatomopathologiste ayant analyse la piece operatoire, la technique operatoire (incision ou excision cutanees, limites du curage, taille de la piece d'exerese, nombre de ganglions lymphatiques emportes dans le curage). Les correlations entre diagnostic, identite du chirurgie…

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A self-report of adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers : the Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale

research product

Capillary measurement of lactate and glucose for free flap monitoring.

Summary Background It is reported that the salvage rate of free flaps is inversely related to the time interval between the onset of pedicle impairments and their clinical recognition. Monitoring of free flaps is therefore of major importance and clinical monitoring remains the most used technique because of lack of low-cost and non-invasive techniques. The authors suggested an efficient, simple and cheap technique to detect early thrombotic events in monitoring free flaps with skin paddle. Methods In this multicentre prospective study, measurements of capillary glucose and lactate in the flaps were done. These parameters were compared to standardized clinical monitoring during the first fi…

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