Thomas Schulenborg


Poor transcript-protein correlation in the brain: negatively correlating gene products reveal neuronal polarity as a potential cause

Transcription, translation, and turnover of transcripts and proteins are essential for cellular function. The contribution of those factors to protein levels is under debate, as transcript levels and cognate protein levels do not necessarily correlate due to regulation of translation and protein turnover. Here we propose neuronal polarity as a third factor that is particularly evident in the CNS, leading to considerable distances between somata and axon terminals. Consequently, transcript levels may negatively correlate with cognate protein levels in CNS regions, i.e., transcript and protein levels behave reciprocally. To test this hypothesis, we performed an integrative inter-omics study a…

research product

2-D differential membrane proteome analysis of scarce protein samples

Proteome studies with small sample amounts are difficult to perform, especially when membrane proteins are the focus of interest. In our study a new method for the analysis of scarce membrane protein samples combining large gel 2-D-CTAB/SDS-PAGE with fluorescence dye saturation labelling (satDIGE) was developed, allowing a highly sensitive differential analysis of different cell states. After Triton X-114 phase partitioning, enriched membrane protein samples of T cells were labelled at cysteine residues using fluorescence dyes and separated by large gel 2D-CTAB/SDS-PAGE. For a differential analysis 3 mug protein was found to be sufficient to detect proteins in a widespread well-separated di…

research product

Quality and potency profile of eight recombinant isoallergens, largely mimicking total Bet v 1-specific IgE binding of birch pollen.

Background To date, only limited information on structure, expression levels and IgE binding of Bet v 1 variants, which are simultaneously expressed in birch pollen, is available. Objective To analyse and compare structure and serum IgE/IgG binding of rBet v 1 variants to Bet v 1.0101. Methods Recombinant Bet v 1 variants were studied with sera of 20 subjects allergic to birch pollen. Folding, aggregation and solubility of the rBet v 1 variants were analysed to attribute diverging IgE binding to either allergen structure or methodological features. IgE/IgG binding was studied with rBet v 1 in solution or adsorbed to solid phases. Allergen-mediated cross-linking of FceRI receptors was determ…

research product