Jani Hartikainen

Comparison of Classroom-Based Sedentary Time and Physical Activity in Conventional Classrooms and Open Learning Spaces Among Elementary School Students

European children and adolescents spend most of their daily life and especially their school hours being sedentary which may increase their risk for chronic non-communicable diseases later in life. After the curriculum reform of Finnish basic education in 2014, most of the new or renovated comprehensive schools in Finland incorporate open and flexible classroom designs. Their open learning spaces may provide students opportunities to reduce sedentary behavior during school hours. Thus, waist-worn accelerometers were used to assess classroom-based sedentary time (ST), the number of breaks from sedentary time (BST), and physical activity (PA) among cross-sectional samples of 3rd and 5th grade…

research product

Luokkatilan vaikutus lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen

Lapset ja nuoret viettävät suuren osan ajastaan koulussa. Suomen kouluissa on 2020-luvulla käytössä sekä perinteisiä että avoimia tilaratkaisuja. CHIPASE-tutkimuksen kouluosiossa ei havaittu avoimessa ja perinteisessä luokkatilassa suuria systemaattisia eroja liikkumisen määrässä. Sen sijaan taukoja passiivisesti vietetystä ajasta kertyi enemmän avoimessa tilassa. Luokkatilan tyypistä riippumatta opettajilla vaikuttaisi olevan merkittävä rooli oppilaiden liikkumiseen oppituntien aikana. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Associations of fitness, motor competence, and adiposity with the indicators of physical activity intensity during different physical activities in children

We investigated the associations of peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak), ventilatory threshold (VT), muscle strength, motor competence (MC), and adiposity with the indicators of PA intensity during different physical activities used to create absolute PA intensity cut-offs among 35 children 7–11-years-of-age. V̇O2peak was defined as the highest V̇O2 achieved in the maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) on a cycle ergometer, self-paced running, or running on a treadmill at 8 km/h. VT was defined from the CPET data. Peak isometric knee extensor and flexor strength was assessed by a dynamometer, MC by the Körperkoordination test für Kinder tests, and body composition by the bioelectrical impe…

research product

Classroom-based physical activity and teachers’ instructions on students’ movement in conventional classrooms and open learning spaces

AbstractAs a result of educational reforms in many countries, including Finland, new or renovated comprehensive schools have increasingly begun to incorporate open and flexible designs and principles. Multipurpose and adaptable open learning spaces can provide children with amplified opportunities to be physically active during general education. Classroom-based physical activity has been associated with better academic-related outcomes and students’ on-task behaviour, while overall physical activity has been associated with better health. In the present study, we investigated the effects of classroom type, gender and grade level on classroom-based physical activity, and the associations be…

research product

Associations of Classroom Design and Classroom-Based Physical Activity with Behavioral and Emotional Engagement among Primary School Students

Educational reforms worldwide have resulted in schools increasingly incorporating open and flexible classroom designs. Open learning spaces may contribute to a student’s behavioral and emotional school engagement directly and by facilitating classroom-based physical activity (CPA). We investigated the associations between accelerometer-assessed CPA and student ratings of task-focused behavior and attitude towards school as indicators for behavioral and emotional engagement, respectively, with the associations of gender, grade, and classroom design on CPA among 206 3rd and 5th grade students in open learning spaces and conventional classrooms. Structural equation modelling showed open classr…

research product

Kuinka mitata lasten liikkumista?

Alakouluikäisten lasten liikuntaan ja liikkumattomuuteen keskittynyt CHIPASE-tutkimus toteutettiin Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön rahoittamana vuosina 2016-2020. Tulokset tuovat esiin lasten iän, sukupuolen, kehon koon, kehon koostumuksen ja kuntotason vaikutuksen fyysisen aktiivisuuden kuormittavuutta arvioidessa. Alle 13-vuotiailla paikallaanolon mittaamiseen tutkimus antoi kiihtyvyysmittarille soveltuvat raja-arvot käytettäväksi laajemmissa väestötutkimuksissa. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Comparison of Classroom-based Sedentary Time and Physical Activity in Conventional Classrooms and Open Learning Spaces Among Elementary School Students

European children and adolescents spend most of their daily life and especially their school hours being sedentary which may increase their risk for chronic non-communicable diseases later in life. After the curriculum reform of Finnish basic education in 2014, most of the new or renovated comprehensive schools in Finland incorporate open and flexible classroom designs. Their open learning spaces may provide students opportunities to reduce sedentary behavior during school hours. Thus, waist-worn accelerometers were used to assess classroom-based sedentary time (ST), the number of breaks from sedentary time (BST), and physical activity (PA) among cross-sectional samples of 3rd and 5th grade…

research product

Sedentary Patterns and Sit-to-Stand Transitions in Open Learning Spaces and Conventional Classrooms among Primary School Students

Educational reforms worldwide have resulted in schools increasingly incorporating open and flexible classroom designs that may provide possibilities to reduce sedentary behavior among students during lessons. Cross-sectional associations of classroom type on accelerometry assessed sedentary bout durations and sit-to-stand transitions were investigated in 191 third and fifth grade students recruited from one school with open learning spaces and two schools with conventional classrooms. A three-way ANOVA for classroom type, gender and grade level indicated that students in open learning spaces had more 1-to-4-min sedentary bouts (mean difference 1.8 bouts/h, p 10-min sedentary bouts (median 0…

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