Laurent Fabrice Martin
A new tool to assess the ecotoxicological impact of β-triketone herbicides on soil microbial communities
International audience; The β-triketone herbicides are post-emergence maize selective herbicides that have beenintroduced on the market, in replacement of atrazine, banned in Europe in 2004. Qualified as “eco-friendly”, since they are based on natural phytotoxin properties, these herbicides target an enzymeinvolved in carotenoid biosynthesis called 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) encoded bythe hppd gene. The inhibition of this enzyme provokes bleaching symptoms, necrosis and death ofweeds.The hppd gene is not only find in eukaryotes such as plants, animals and humans but also inprokaryotes such as fungi, yeasts and bacteria. In recent studies, we showed that, within the soil bact…
DIAGSOL : Développement d’un outil microbien pour évaluer l’exposition des sols agricoles aux herbicides β-tricétones
International audience; En 2011, en France, plus de 2 millions d’hectares de champs de maïs ont été traités avec desherbicides β-tricétones. Qualifiés de « respectueux de l’environnement » en raison d’une efficacité àfaible dose, de récentes études ont démontré un effet transitoire des β-tricétones sur la diversitébactérienne des sols (Romdhane et al., 2016). L’utilisation récurrente des β-tricétones pourrait, àterme, perturber la diversité bactérienne et les fonctions écosystémiques des sols qu’elle soutient.Il est essentiel d’évaluer l’exposition des microorganismes des sols aux β-tricétones.L’enzyme 4-hydroxyphénylpyruvate dioxygénase (4-HPPD), cible de ces herbicides chez les plantesadv…
Antibiotics favor the establishment of antibiotrophic bacteria in agricultural soil microbial communities, but are not always sufficient to enhance antibiotic-degradation: manure spreading can help.
International audience; During the past decades, environmental concentrations of antibiotics have largely increased,resulting in a risk of ecosystem disturbance. However, because their composition is often rich innitrogen and carbon, antibiotics are of nutritional interest for microorganisms, as long as theirbiocidal character is not considered. Antibiotic-degrading bacteria have therefore emerged amongststrains that were resistant to antibiotics. Called antibiotrophs, they are able to use selectedantibiotics as nutritive sources for their growth. While several antibiotrophs have been isolated fromdifferent agroecosystems, little is known about their ecology. In particular, their dispersal …