Galina Smirnova

Concentration-Dependent Antioxidant/Pro-Oxidant Activity of Ascorbic Acid in Chickens

С vitamīns piedalās daudzos vielmaiņas procesos. Tas stiprina organisma imūnsistēmu, piedalās bioloģiskās oksidēšanās un reducēšanās procesos. Askorbīnskābe un dehidroaskorbīnskābe veido redoks sistēmu un ir saistītas ar glutationa sistēmu. Dažādu stresu ietekmē askorbīnskābes koncentrācija audos samazinās. Tādēļ barību vajag bagātināt ar šo vitamīnu. Darba mērķis bija pētīt dažādus oksidatīvā stresa biomarķierus cāļu organismā, kadmija akumulāciju orgānos, imūnsistēmas aktivitāti un nieru funkcijas izmaiņas askorbīnskābes ietekmē atkarībā no tās koncentrācijas barībā. Eksperimentos izmantojām vienu dienu vecus Lohmann Brown gailīšus, kurus sadalījām piecās analogās grupās. Cāļi saņēma komb…

research product

Oxidative stress and innate immunity status in chickens exposed to high dose of ascorbic acid

The effects of high dose ascorbic acid (10 000 mg·kg–1 in the diet) and the transition metal on the presence of oxidative stress in the internal organs of growing chicks, as well as on the innate immune system status, were investigated. Supplementation with a high dose of ascorbic acid had pro-inflammatory effects on the intestinal mucosa, and lysozyme levels were decreased significantly in all organs studied. High-dose ascorbic acid caused an imbalance between prooxidative and antioxidative activities and was associated with the generation of semiquinone radicals. We observed that ascorbic acid increased iron and cadmium absorption. When a high dose of ascorbic acid was applied, elevated k…

research product

Therapeutic effect of fractionated by ultrafiltration red beetroot (Beta vulgaris l.) juice in rats with food-induced fatty liver

The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), being a component of metabolic syndrome, has increased (15-27%) in the industrialized world. The deep mechanism of this pathology is not clear, but it is multifactorial. There is a huge amount of food supplements and medicines with hepatoprotective effect on the market, but the NAFLD problem is far from being resolved. Hepatoprotective products have to provide wide spectra of biological effects, including antioxidant, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory action. It is peculiar to natural compounds, including red beetroot juice, which is well known to most of the population. This is important in view of the high prevalence of NAFLD. Th…

research product

Cadmium-Induced Enteropathy in Domestic Cocks: A Biochemical and Histological Study after Subchronic Exposure

The biochemical and histological sequelae resulting from a diet containing 50.20 mg cadmium/kg were studied in Lohmann brown cockerels from hatching until 30 days of age. The additional cadmium chloride (CdCl(2)) to the diet induced the formation of lipid peroxides, which via a chain reaction led to accumulation of malondialdehyde in intestinal mucosa. At the end of the study (after 30 days of cadmium exposure) total protein and metallothionein levels in the intestinal mucosa and the relative ileal and duodenal weight increased. Histological data show that CdCl(2) causes an increase in number of goblet cells and granular lymphocytes in the intestinal mucosa. Down-regulation of the serotonin…

research product