Gloria Olaso González

Uso de la infografía en la optativa “Alimentación y Dietética” del grado de Medicina

[ES] Como sustitución de la clase magistral, en la sesión dedicada a tratar las características de “dietas occidentales de moda” de la asignatura optativa 34493-Alimentación y Dietética del Grado en Medicina de la Universitat de Valencia, se utilizaron infografías previamente diseñadas por los estudiantes. Con esta iniciativa se pretendía mejorar la participación del alumnado en la asignatura, además de profundizar en la materia, mejorar sus habilidades digitales y de búsqueda y síntesis de información. Esta propuesta fue bien valorada por el estudiantado, que mostró su preferencia por esta forma de trabajar frente a la clase magistral. Además, opinó que la actividad mejoraba su capacidad d…

research product

“Alimental, querido Watson” – Escape room virtual para la asignatura de Alimentación y Dietética

[EN] "Alimental, querido Watson" is a digital educational escape room created for the subject "Nutrition and Dietetics" of the degree in Medicine at the University of Valencia. The objective of this activity was to maintain the students participation and adherence in the subject in spite of being teached in an on-line asynchronous way during the 2020/2021 academic year. Furthemore, we also wanted to encourage their learning by solving the different enigmas, always related to the contents of the subject. The results from this activity show that, as expected, students had a greater involvement and satisfaction with the activity, as well as a higher academic performance. Therefore, our experie…

research product

Exercise redox biology from health to performance

In order to support the energy demand during physical exercise, temporary acute responses occur in our organism to meet the homeostatic challenge imposed by the working muscles. As a result of the accumulation of exercise bouts the organism adapts. Exercise adaptations refer to the long-term changes that occur in our body as a consequence of training. The molecular bases of skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise such as mitochondrial biogenesis, hypertrophy, angiogenesis, and cytoprotection, are mediated by signaling events regulating transcriptional and translational processes and the activity of proteins involved in the maintenance of homeostasi.

research product

Estudio teórico de procesos fotoinducidos en sistemas biológicos

En la presente Tesis Doctoral se investiga, desde un punto de vista teórico, procesos de transferencia de carga y/o energía inducida por la luz en distintos sistemas biológicos. En concreto se estudian tres procesos paradigmáticos: la transferencia de carga en la fotosíntesis, la fotofísica y fotorreactividad de las bases nitrogenadas del DNA y el proceso de fotoisomerización del cromóforo de la Rodopsina, desencadenante de la visión. La metodología empleada para la realización de estos estudios es principalmente la CASPT2//CASSCF, una herramienta químico-cuántica especialmente adecuada para el tratamiento de los estados moleculares excitados, debido a su carácter multiconfiguracional.

research product

Material multimedia para aumentar la motivación y el aprendizaje en el aula universitaria

[EN] The multimedia material used as a teaching medium in the classroom can help the teaching-learning process of the students. It also helps the teacher in his work of transmitting information from another point of view more striking and entertaining. This would cause an enlargement and enrichment in the recipient's experience to assimilate more quickly, dynamically and fluidly. In this study we analyze the grades obtained with and without the help of a multimedia material prepared by teachers. Subsequently, the opinion of the students is collected through an anonymous and voluntary survey allowing the teachers to collect the information necessary for the search to improve the quality of t…

research product