Pascal Bonnarme
Production d'arôme de noix de coco (pentyl-6-alpha-pyrone) par le champignon filamenteux Trichoderma
National audience
Influence of cell immobilization on the production of benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol by the white-rot fungi Bjerkandera adusta, Ischnoderma benzoinum and Dichomitus squalens
International audience; Three white-rot basidiomycetes, Bjerkandera adusta, Ischnoderma benzoinum and Dichomitus squalens, were cultivated on a liquid medium supplemented with l-phenylalanine, a precursor for benzaldehyde (bitter almond aroma) and benzyl alcohol. Remarkable amounts of benzaldehyde (587 mg l−1) were found in cultures of B. adusta. Immobilization of this fungus on polyurethane foam cubes allowed an 8.3-fold increase of the production of benzaldehyde and a 15-fold increase of the productivity as compared with non-immobilized cells. Aryl-alcohol oxidase activity was only detected in B. adusta. This activity was also significantly enhanced in immobilized cells, suggesting that i…
Production and toxicity of linear from and lactone from of 4-hydroxy decanoic acid by Sporidiobolus sp.
International audience
Production d'arôme de noix de coco (pentyl-6-alpha pyrone) par le champignon filamenteux trichoderma
National audience
Fatty acid accumulation in the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicor during batch production of gamma-decalactone
International audience
Production of aryl metabolites in solid-state fermentations of the white-rot fungus Bjerkandera adusta
International audience
Conversion of oleic acid to 10-hydroxystearic acid by Nocardia paraffinae
International audience
Regulation of the synthesis of aryl metabolites by phospholipid sources in the white-rot fungus Bjerkandera adusta
The white-rot basidiomycete Bjerkandera adusta was cultivated in a liquid medium enriched with l-phenylalanine and various phospholipid sources (lecithin, egg yolk and asolectin). Three aromatic metabolites (benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid) were produced under these culture conditions. High concentrations of benzaldehyde (404 mg l–1) were obtained when the cultures were supplemented with 10 g lecithin l–1. Benzyl alcohol production was promoted when the strain was grown with 5 or 10 g lecithin l–1. In the absence of or with a low concentration of lecithin (2.5 g l–1), benzoic acid was the major aryl metabolite synthesized. The results presented here indicate that aryl alcohol …
Production of gamma-decalactone in the genus Sporidiobolus
International audience
Etude de l'excrétion de la lignine péroxydase en bioréacteur par le champignon de la pourriture blanche Phanerochaete chrysosporium
National audience
Novel scheme for biosynthesis of aryl metabolites from L-phenylalanine in the fungus Bjerkandera adusta
International audience
The biotechnology of flavours
International audience
Production, identification , and toxicity of gamma - decalactone and 4-hydroxydecanoic acid from Sporidiobolus spp.
International audience
Methylthioacetaldehyde, a possible intermediate metabolite for the production of volatile sulphur compounds from L-methionine by Lactococcus lactis
Volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) production from L-methionine was studied in Lactococcus lactis. In vitro studies with radiolabelled L-methionine and resting cells of L. lactis revealed that L-methionine was initially converted to alpha-keto-gamma-methylthiobutyrate (KMBA) by a transamination reaction. A part of KMBA was subsequently chemically converted to methylthioacetaldehyde, methanethiol and dimethylsulphides. Chemical conversion of KMBA to methylthioacetaldehyde was dependent on pH, Mn(II) and oxygen. Since methanethiol and dimethylsulphide production was highly related to that of methylthioacetaldehyde, the latter compound was proposed as being an intermediate in VSCs production by…
Production of gamma-decalactone and 4-hydroxy-decanoic acid in the genus Sporidiobolus
International audience
Prospects for the microbial production of food flavours
The microbial production of natural flavours has been extensively studied during the past decade, and some processes are currently being exploited commercially. However, in the case of flavour compounds such as lactones and some aromatic compounds, the lack of basic information on their metabolism, as well as their high toxicity, are two main barriers to industrial production. The development of novel and cheap production processes, such as solid-state fermentation, may help overcome some of the current limitations of microbial flavour production, as well as widening the spectrum of biotechnologically accessible compounds.
Production of 6-pentyl-alpha-pyrone by Trichoderma sp. from vegetable oils
International audience
The use lipase to overcome the toxicity of gamma-decalactone during its batch production with the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor
International audience