Karl Eberl
Dependence of the lattice parameters and the energy gap of zinc-blende-type semiconductors on isotopic masses.
The dependence of the ${\mathit{E}}_{0}$ direct gap of Ge, GaAs, and ZnSe on isotopic masses at low temperatures has been investigated. Contributions of the variation of the lattice parameter to the gap shift of the binary compounds have been evaluated by using a volume-dependent lattice dynamics, while local empirical pseudopotential techniques have been employed to calculate gap shifts due to electron-phonon interaction. The dependence of these terms on the lattice-dynamical model and on the q\ensuremath{\rightarrow}0 extrapolation of the pseudopotential form factors has been investigated. The contributions of the optical and acoustical modes to the isotopic shift are analyzed. The result…
Electric-field-induced Raman scattering in GaAs: Franz-Keldysh oscillations
We have studied the influence of strong electric fields on the Raman scattering intensity from LO phonons in GaAs (100) at room temperature using laser excitation energies above the fundamental ${\mathit{E}}_{0}$ gap. Striking oscillations are found in the scattering intensity for configurations where either the deformation potential or Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon interaction contribute. The oscillations in the deformation-potential-mediated scattering intensity can be related to Franz-Keldysh oscillations derived from the ${\mathit{E}}_{0}$ gap, whereas a more complicated mechanism has to be invoked for processes where Fr\"ohlich interaction is responsible.