Francisco Manuel Tortosa Gil

Measuring situations that stress Mexicans while driving

The purpose of this paper is to construct a scale that will help determine the aspects involved in driving a motor vehicle that influence the levels of stress in a human being. Two complementary studies were conducted: the first one determined, by qualitative methods, the aspects of driving that 103 participants found most stressful whilst driving; the second was a validation of the scale constructed with said information on 295 participants (142 males, 153 females, age mean 37.41, std. dev. 14.008). The scale included 22 situations that were then evaluated on a Likert scale to assess the level of stress they evoke. These items were arranged on 3 factors, and descriptive statistics were com…

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Preferencias implícitas de una muestra española: una técnica novedosa para determinar preferencias raciales

Las preferencias raciales expresadas explícitamente pueden carecer de información que sea completa en su contenido, ya sea porque las personas prefieren no expresar sus actitudes per se o tal vez porque no estén al tanto de ellas. El Implicit Association Test (IAT), desarrollado por Greenwald, Banaji y Nosek, evalúa las preferencias implícitas de las personas a través de una plataforma de internet. Demuestra que cuando una persona expresa una preferencia en particular, es posible que no conciba que esa actitud tenga un componente inconsciente y que pueda modificarla. Se obtuvieron 235 sujetos que respondieron a la prueba de preferencia implícita de raza (negra y blanca), a través del portal…

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Driver stress in five Spanish-speaking countries: Construct validity of the LatinSET

Abstract Introduction Driver stress is a phenomenon many have studied in probably all five continents. It has been the focus of curiosity for all sorts of disciplines, and science has been unable to curb it, much less park it. Objectives This study aims to generate a unique scale that can be used in Spanish speaking countries regardless of culture or geography. Method and Materials A sample of 1954 drivers from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile and Spain was comprised. Through this study, the original 21 items of the ISET (Stressful Situations in Transit Inventory, in Spanish) were used to carry out both an Exploratory Factorial Analysis as well as a Confirmatory Factorial Analysis. Resu…

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Contributions to the history of psychology: CXIX. The Spanish Neurohistological School's legacy: Cajal and Lorente de Nó.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal made his mark in the history of science as a brilliant researcher of the histology of the nervous system. His bold efforts and the international recognition he received during his lifetime played an important role in the consolidation of the Spanish Neurohistological School which is composed of a large number of eminent disciples. Amongst these, and of outstanding repute, is Rafael Lorente de Nó whose research had a significant influence on the work of Canadian psychologist Donald O. Hebb and, consequently, on the development of neurophysiological theory. This paper analyses some of the contributions of Cajal and his disciple Lorente de Nó which formed the anatomical…

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Characterization of Legal Psychology through psychology journals included in Criminology & Penology and Law categories of Web of Science

The objective of this work is to learn about the most relevant aspects that characterize contemporary Legal Psychology throughout the study of journals included in the WoS between the years 2009 and 2014 related with the area of Psychology. The number of selected publications is 16, mainly from the USA and Great Britain. The results show an increase in the number of works and authors, a greater collaboration and a growth in medium productors. It exists a major presence of men in editorial boards and as authors, outstanding the figures of T. Ward in 2009 and A. Vrij in 2014. According to the analysis of key words the most relevant themes during these years have been Crime, Conduct, Woman and…

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