D Eissner

Fokal-noduläre Hyperplasie der Leber bei 930 Patienten

Analysis of 930 patients with focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver (FNH), including 23 seen by the authors, showed the following results: 82.2% of patients were female, 37.8% of these had taken female steroidal hormones. There was no preference for a particular lobe of the liver. 57.7% of FNH were subcapsular, 33.7% were intrahepatic and 8.8% were pedunculated. Average size was 5.9 cm, 80.8% of the patients were asymptomatic. In 93.5% (115 out of 123) a space-occupying lesion in the liver could be demonstrated by sonography. In 13%, second or multiple tumours were missed by sonography. CT without enhancement demonstrated FNH in 90.4% (94 out of 104 patients). A rapid, marked increase in d…

research product

Klinisch-experimentelle Studie zur szintigraphischen Darstellung maligner Kopf-Hals-Neoplasien mit57Cobalt-Bleomycin

Tumorscanning of malignomas and their metastatic nodules in head and neck is an enrichment of diagnostic possibilities. For the examination such substances can be used, which are tumoraffine and well to mark with a radio-isotope. Therefore we have marked the cytostatic drug Bleomycine with 57Co. Scans were performed with the Anger-Camera 4 to 6 hrs after intravenous injection of 1 mCi 57Co-Bleomycine. 60 patients with different malignomas have been examined, 46 with tumor-localization in head and neck, the others in thoraxabdomen. 34 (85%) of the head and neck malignomas could be demonstrated; 21 (81%) were squamous cell carcinomas, 13 (69%) sarcomas. The possibilities of this method are sh…

research product