Organelle protein changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal Medicago truncatula roots as deciphered by subcellular proteomics
Prod 2020-8c SPE IPM INRA UB CNRS; The roots of most land plants can enter a symbiotic relationship with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) soil‐borne fungi belonging to the phylum Glomeromycota, which improves the mineral nutrition of the host plant. The fungus enters the root through the epidermis and grows into the cortex where it differentiates into a highly branched hyphal structure called the arbuscule. The role of the plant membrane system as the agent for cellular morphogenesis and signal/nutrient exchanges is especially accentuated during AM endosymbiosis. Notably, fungal hyphae are always surrounded by the host membrane, which is referred to as the perifungal membrane around intracellula…