Atis Elsts

Simetrijas meklēšanas metodes un to pielietojums proteīnu struktūrām

Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts simetrijas noteikšanas algoritmu pētīšanai. Simetrija spēlē ievērojamu jomu dabā, mākslā un matemātikā. Līdz ar datortehnoloģijas attīstību ir izveidotas dažādas metodes tās automātiskai noteikšanai. Bakalaura darba praktiskais mērķis ir atrast simetrijas noteikšanas algoritmus, kas būtu piemēroti lietošanai proteīnu molekulām. Tāda specifika liek fokusēties uz metodēm, kas meklē rotācijas simetrijas punktu kopai trīsdimensiju telpā. Darbā apskatīti vairāki simetrijas noteikšanas algoritmi: algoritms, kas nosaka grafa automorfismus un tās izmanto kā simetrijas hipotēzes; algoritms, kas izmanto paplašināto Gausa attēlu; algoritms simetrijas novērtēšanai un frekvenc…

research product


Often software for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is developed using a specific event based operating system (OS) such as TinyOS. However, this requires steep learning curve for the new developers. Other operating systems for embedded devices have limited support for new hardware platforms. Our goal is to provide an operating system for resource constrained devices that is easy to use for the wide range of researchers and developers familiar with C programming language and Unix operating system concepts. In addition, we provide a framework for agile portability to new hardware platforms, due to the nature of WSN systems that require specific hardware or features for the sensing tasks at ha…

research product

SpaceScanner: COPASI wrapper for automated management of global stochastic optimization experiments

Abstract Motivation Due to their universal applicability, global stochastic optimization methods are popular for designing improvements of biochemical networks. The drawbacks of global stochastic optimization methods are: (i) no guarantee of finding global optima, (ii) no clear optimization run termination criteria and (iii) no criteria to detect stagnation of an optimization run. The impact of these drawbacks can be partly compensated by manual work that becomes inefficient when the solution space is large due to combinatorial explosion of adjustable parameters or for other reasons. Results SpaceScanner uses parallel optimization runs for automatic termination of optimization tasks in case…

research product

LynxNet: Wild Animal Monitoring Using Sensor Networks

Monitoring wild animals, especially those that are becoming endangered (for example, lynxes and wolves) is important for biology researchers. Solutions for the monitoring already exist; however, they all have drawbacks, such as limited range or lifetime, sensing modality, reporting delays, unreliability of operation. In this work we describe our experiences in designing an improved animal monitoring sensor system and low-level software for sensor node control and communication. The target animals for this particular research are wild lynxes or canines, however it can be extended to other animal species. The LynxNet system is based on tracking collars, built around TMote Mini sensor nodes, s…

research product

A Framework to Facilitate Wireless Sensor Network Application Development

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Wireless Sensor Network Operating System Design Rules Based on Real-World Deployment Survey

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been a widely researched field since the beginning of the 21st century. The field is already maturing, and TinyOS has established itself as the de facto standard WSN Operating System (OS). However, the WSN researcher community is still active in building more flexible, efficient and user-friendly WSN operating systems. Often, WSN OS design is based either on practical requirements of a particular research project or research group's needs or on theoretical assumptions spread in the WSN community. The goal of this paper is to propose WSN OS design rules that are based on a thorough survey of 40 WSN deployments. The survey unveils trends of WSN applic…

research product

SEAL: A Domain-Specific Language for Novice Wireless Sensor Network Programmers

A lot of the prospective wireless sensor network users are novice programmers. Their experience in general-purpose programming languages is either limited or completely nonexistent. There are both financial and scientific incentives to empower these users and allow them to write sensor network applications on their own, rather than having to rely on a qualified computer science professional. We present SEAL, a sensor network programming language designed for novice programmers. SEAL manages to avoid computer science concepts that are hard to grasp for novices, while remaining suitable for typical sensor network application scenarios. The language is extensible in application-specific way, h…

research product

Ietvars bezvadu sensoru tīklu lietojumprogrammu izstrādes atvieglošanai

Anotācija Sākotnējā vīzija par bezvadu sensoru tīkliem paredzēja, ka tie kļūs par vērtīgu rīku daudzām lietotāju grupām: gan dažādu jomu zinātniekiem, gan praktiķiem. Taču bezvadu sensoru tīklu programmatūras izstrāde ir sarežģīta, jo tie apvieno resursierobežotu iegulto ierīču sarežģītību ar tīklotu ierīču sarežģītību. Tas ir viens no iemesliem, kāpēc sensoru tīkli vēl nav kļuvuši par plaša patēriņa tehnoloģiju. Šī problēma ir daļēji risināma, piedāvājot bezvadu sensoru tīklu programmatūras izstrādātājiem piemērotus programmizstrādes rīkus, programmēšanas valodas un bibliotēkas. Tāpēc disertācijas ietvaros ir izveidota rinda pieeju bezvadu sensoru tīklu lietojumprogrammu izstrādes atvieglo…

research product

SADmote: A Robust and Cost-Effective Device for Environmental Monitoring

Time to deployment for wireless sensor networks could be reduced by using commercial sensor nodes. However, this may lead to suboptimal flexibility, power consumption and cost of the system. Our pilot deployment for precision agriculture and fruit growing research showed similar conclusions and outlined the design decisions leading to SADmote: a new sensor node for environmental monitoring. It was evaluated both in the lab and field, showing improved energy consumption over commercial solutions such as Tmote Sky and Waspmote.

research product