Michel Nicolas

Programme de développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle auprès de pongistes pensionnaires de pôles espoir et France de la Fédération Française de Tennis de Table

International audience

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Effets de l'accompagnement d'un projet personnel sur l'estime de soi de stagiaires d'un centre de formation de football

L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer les effets de l’accompagnement d’un projet personnel sur l’evolution de l’estime de soi de stagiaires d’un centre de football en fin de formation. 22 stagiaires ont ete repartis au hasard en deux groupes egaux : un groupe experimental (accompagnement de projet) et un groupe controle (tâche neutre). L’intervention proposait aux participants des entretiens individuels visant l’elaboration et la planification d’un projet oriente principalement sur les domaines sportif et scolaire. 10 mesures repetees toutes les 3 semaines (4 avant et 6 apres l’intervention) de l’estime globale de soi, de la valeur physique percue et des sentiments de competence la cons…

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Mars-105 study : Time-courses and relationships between coping, defense mechanisms, emotions and depression

International audience; This study investigated the time-courses and the relationships between coping, defense mechanisms, emotions and depression considered as key factors in adaptation to ICE (Isolated and Confined Extreme) environments. During the space simulation, the Mars-105 experiment, positive emotion decreased significantly and significant positive correlations were found between mature defenses and both positive emotions and Task-Oriented Coping (TOC), as well as between Disengagement-Oriented Coping (DOC) and symptoms of depression. These findings show the impact of space simulation on affective states and the relations of defense to both coping and emotion, which underline the r…

research product

Personality, social support and affective states during simulated microgravity in healthy women

This study investigated the time-course of stress and recovery states and their relations to social support and personality traits in healthy women during a long-term head-down tilt bed rest. Personality, social support and affective states were assessed in 16 women exposed to simulated microgravity for a 60-day duration involving three stages: a 20-day baseline control period (BDC), a 60-day head-down tilt bed rest (HDT) and a 20-day post-HDT ambulatory recovery period (R+). Participants were divided into two groups: an exercise (Exe, n = 8) and a control group (Ctl, n = 8). All the participants experienced significantly more stress during the HDT period. But exercise did not improve the i…

research product

Effects of a Personal Goal Management Program on School and Football Self-Determination Motivation and Satisfaction of Newcomers within a Football Training Centre

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a personal goal-based intervention on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within football training centres. Twenty-three trainees were divided randomly into two groups, either a treatment group or a control group. The treatment proposed to the participants was the Personal Goal Management Program. Trainees’ school and football motivation and satisfaction were measured before, during and after the intervention. Results indicated a beneficial influence on football motivation and satisfaction, and overall trainee satisfaction. Methodological and applied suggestions are made to favour adjus…

research product

Monitoring stress and recovery states: Structural and external stages of the short version of the RESTQ sport in elite swimmers before championships

Background: Psychological stress and recovery monitoring is a key issue for increasing athletes' health, well-being, and performance. This multi-study report examined changes and the dose–response relationships between recovery–stress psychological states, training load (TL), heart rate (HR), heart rate recovery (HRR), and heart rate variability (HRV) while providing evidence for the factorial validity of a short French version of the Recovery–Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-36-R-Sport). Methods: Four hundred and seventy-three university athletes (Study 1), 72 full expert swimmers (Study 2), and 11 national to international swimmers (Study 3) participated in the study. Data were an…

research product

Stress and Recovery Responses during a 105-day Ground-based Space Simulation

The present study analysed the time course of the psychological process of stress and recovery in six healthy male volunteers during the Mars 105 experimentation, a 105-day ground-based space analogue. The multidimensional assessment of stress and recovery responses showed that stress levels decreased significantly throughout the 105-day isolated and confined extreme (ICE) experiment, especially on its social dimension. In line with previous studies, Fatigue showed a global and progressive reduction. The present results suggest that ICE exposure may not systematically induce stress overload and impaired psychological states. To optimize adaptation to ICE conditions, further improvements in …

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Effet de l'accompagnement de projet sur la motivation footballistique et scolaire de stagiaires de centre de formation de foot. Journées Nationales d' Etudes de la SFPS

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The ICE-Q: A tool for the assessment of Psychological Adaptation Processes (PAP) in Isolated and Confined Extreme (ICE) environments

International audience; Life in Isolated and Confined Extreme (ICE) environments poses important challenges and constraints and therefore to human adaptation and more particularly to the processes of psychological adaptation (PAP). Contemporary models view psychological adaptation as a dynamic process of constant adjustment to the environment, encompassing changes in physical, social and psychological demands and constraints (Cramer, 2000; Lazarus, 1991; Nicolas et al., 2017). The literature lacks valid and reliable measures of the psychological processes engaged in adaptation to the ICE environment (Sandal, Leon, & Palinkas, 2006). Monitoring can provide early warning of mission- and healt…

research product

Psychological investigations in analogue environments: the WISE 2005 Study. Workshop on Human Behaviour and Performance in Analogue Environments and Simulations

research product

Longitudinal trajectories of emotions among athletes in sports competitions: Does emotional intelligence matter?

Abstract Objectives This research explored whether several subgroups of athletes representing distinct emotional trajectories could be shown to exist within the latent class growth analysis (LCGA) of pleasant and unpleasant sport emotions (anger, anxiety, dejection, excitement, happiness). A secondary aim was to explore whether athletes belonging to distinct emotional trajectories reported distinct scores of trait-emotional intelligence (EI) at time 1 (T1). Design A longitudinal three-wave measurement design (beginning, middle, and end of a competitive season) was used in the present study. Method A sample of 460 athletes completed the sport emotion questionnaire across three measurement ti…

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Athletes’ regulation of emotions experienced during competition: A naturalistic video-assisted study.

This study aimed to identify the type and effectiveness of emotional regulation strategies used by table tennis players to manage their emotions experienced during competition. Using a naturalistic video-assisted approach, 30 interviews were conducted with 11 national table tennis players. Ten emotions were identified in the participants’ transcriptions: anger, anxiety, discouragement, disappointment, disgust, joy, serenity, relief, hope, and pride. Qualitative analyses of participants’ transcriptions revealed the emergence of 4 categories pertaining to emotion regulation: (a) regulation efforts comprising: (i) antecedent-focused regulation (e.g., attention deployment, cognitive change); (i…

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Stress and recovery assessment during simulated microgravity: Effects of exercise during a long-term head down tilt bed rest in women. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly

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Psycho-environmental aspects of human adaptation in space analogues : data from Concordia and bed rest studies. Workshop on Human Behaviour and Performance in Analogue Environnements and Stimulations

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Les émotions en situations extrêmes : situations spatiales et polaires

International audience

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Perception of coaching behaviors, coping, and goal attainment in a sport competition

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Relationships between Coping Strategies and Defense Mechanisms in sport performance

In an exploratory study, the relationships between two major concepts in psychological adjustment, coping strategies, and defense mechanisms were investigated. Sport competition is an example of a real-world context in which people's responses to stressful situations can be investigated. The extent to which participants reported different uses of coping strategies and defense mechanisms was assessed in terms of performance. 26 elite kayakers were classified into one of two groups, depending on the discrepancy between their standard performance and their performance in competition. Correlations were found among the coping strategies of seeking social support, positive reappraisal/planful pr…

research product

Le passage de Haies: De la réalité sportive en heptathlon à la réalité subjective d'Emma

The major dimension of this article is to point out the importance of psychological follow-up with sporting teenagers. Emma's example illustrates the inherent transitions from this period of age in the specific context of the high level sport. For Emma, the passage of hurdle becomes the metaphor of its psychical conflict. The counter performance which appears in the passage of hurdle announces its ambivalence with regard to its personal history within realities of sport cultures. This making sense of the sporting problems within the framework of the psychological follow-up can help to exceed this difficulty of passage and to support its engagement like subject of its own desire on the way o…

research product

Conscientiousness, self‐determination, and satisfaction in soccer academies: A longitudinal perspective

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate from a longitudinal perspective the relationships between conscientiousness, soccer and school self‐determination, and satisfaction in soccer academies. Newly recruited French soccer athletes responded to satisfaction and self‐determination measures three times, once every four months, and to conscientiousness measure in Time 2. Results showed that soccer self‐determination of trainees decreased and that its relationship with satisfaction was stronger over time. Moreover, results indicated that the relationship between trainee conscientiousness and satisfaction depends on the level of soccer self‐determination (S S‐D); when it was relatively hi…

research product

Development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the short Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-26)

IF2017 : 1.15 (Q3); International audience; The purpose of the present study was to develop and evaluate a measure of defense mechanisms that is useable in sports research: the short Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-26). A total of 296 competitive athletes completed the DSQ-26 and other self-report questionnaires both before and after a sport competition. Results of Principal Component Analyses (PCA) on the pre-competitive data showed evidence for a 2-factor model that included adaptive (e.g., humor, anticipation, self-assertion, altruism, self-observation) and maladaptive defenses (e.g., help rejecting complaining, splitting other, projection, dissociation, intellectualization, devaluation…

research product

A Reciprocal Effects Model of the Temporal Ordering of Coping and Defenses

This study aimed to examine how coping and defenses are related over time, using a two-wave cross-lagged panel design. Coping and defenses were assessed before and after a sport competition in a sample of 296 competitive athletes. Partial least squares path modeling results showed that (a) pre-competitive mature defenses predicted increases in the use of task-oriented coping during competition; (b) pre-competitive immature defenses predicted an increase in the use of disengagement-oriented coping during competition; and (c) pre-competitive task-oriented coping predicted an increase in the use of immature defenses during competition. Overall, our findings suggest that defenses predict the us…

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Psychological Adaptation Process in extreme situation

International audience

research product

Effects of personal goal management program on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within a football training centre

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a personal goal-based intervention on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within football training centres. Twenty-three trainees were divided randomly into two groups, either a treatment group or a control group. The treatment proposed to the participants was the personal goal management program (Bouffard, Labelle, Dubé & Lapierre, 1999). Trainees' school and football motivation and satisfaction were measured before, during and after the intervention. Results indicated a beneficial influence on football motivation and satisfaction, and overall trainee satisfaction. Methodological and applied su…

research product

Accompagnement à la performance : programme de développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle adapté aux contraintes de préparation du Haut Niveau

ACAPS (Association de chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives).Organisé par l'Association des chercheurs en activités physiques et sportives ; éditeurs scientifiques, Romuald Lepers, Karen Bretin-Maffiuletti, Mickaël Campo... [et al.].; International audience; La pratique du sport à haut niveau offre une série de prises inédites à l’analyse des transformations du sport et des facteurs d’accomplissement, d’atteinte des objectifs, et de réussite, tant sur le plan individuel que collectif. En effet, les transformations des dispositifs spectaculaires et médiatiques dans lesquels la pratique à haut niveau prend place amène inévitablement les athlètes experts à assumer des responsabilités …

research product

Reductions in circulating endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol levels in healthy human subjects exposed to chronic stressors

Increasing evidence indicates that chronic stress, such as social isolation, plays an important role in the development of a variety of psychiatric and somatic disorders. Meanwhile, chronic stress imposed by prolonged isolation and confinement in the spacecraft is also one of the major concerns for the health of future interplanetary space travelers. Preclinical studies suggest that the peripheral endocannabinoid (eCB) system is involved in the regulation of the stress response and eCB signaling is implicated in the pathogenesis of stress-related diseases. However, there are only few human studies addressing this topic, of which most focusing on patients who have already developed a certain…

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Relations entre mécanismes de défense et variabilité de fréquence cardiaque

National audience

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Psychological correlates of fatigue and injury among adolescent handball women players: Implications for prevention.

International audience

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A self-report of adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers : the Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale

research product

Mesures des émotions en sport : les approches quantitatives, qualitatives et comportementales

International audience

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Effet d’un accompagnement psychologique individuel à distance sur l’intelligence émotionnelle des tennismen

International audience

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Stress and recovery states after a 24 h ultra-marathon race: A one-month follow-up study

Abstract Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the athlete’s perception of stress and recovery states following a 24 h ultra-marathon race. Design and method Psychological states were assessed in 14 male subjects before as well as 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 21, and 30 days after the race. Results The results suggest an ultra-endurance race induces perceived stress and leads to subsequent alterations in perceived recovery, whatever the psychological, physical, emotional or social dimensions according to a unique time-course for the several components evaluating the stress and recovery process. Stress and recovery levels related to the 24 h race showed that a period of 2 weeks is r…

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Temporal ordering of affective states and coping within a naturalistic achievement-related demanding situation.

International audience

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Stress and recovery assessment during simulated microgravity: Effects of exercise during a long-term head down tilt bed rest in women.

International audience; The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a 60-day head-down tilt long-term bed rest (HDT) on stress and recovery in sixteen healthy female volunteers. Participants were randomly assigned to either an exercise group (Exe) that followed a training program combining resistive and aerobic exercises, or to a no-exercise control group (Ctl). Psychological states were assessed using the Rest-Q, a validated questionnaire based on stress-recovery responses. A longitudinal analysis revealed significant changes in the general and specific-stress scales for all participants throughout the experiment with a critical stage from supine to standing posture leading to a …

research product

Affective, Social, and Cognitive Outcomes During a 1-Year Wintering in Concordia

International audience; This study investigated time patterns and the relationships between perceived stress, recovery, control, attention lapses, and defense mechanisms (DM) during a 12-month wintering in Concordia polar station with an international crew of 14 volunteers. This ICE (Isolated, Confined, Extreme) environment induced some stress, mainly in the social dimension and showed relationships (a) between DM and both stress and recovery and (b) between recovery and perceived control, highlighting the roles of DM and control in psychological adaptation. These results offer additional insights into the affective, social, and cognitive processes involved in adaptation. The findings sugge…

research product

Recovery and stress states: Did perceived control and goal attainment matters during tapering period?

IF: 1.148 (Q2); International audience; We examined whether perceived control predict recovery and stress states during an ecological tapering period of 2-weeks that led to the target competition of the year for 39 expert adolescent swimmers (13 women and 26 men; Mage = 17.56; SD = 2.09 years). Swimmers completed quantitative measures (RESTQ-36-R-Sport; Perceived control; A-SAGS) before (Pre_Tapering) and after (Post_Tapering) the tapering period in order to monitor their recovery and stress states, perceived control and goal attainment. Regression analyses integrated perceived control and goal attainment as explicative variables, and Pre_Tapering covariates were included to the model. One …

research product

Social, occupational and cultural adaptation in Antarctica

International audience; Objectives & Method: This study investigated psychological, social, occupational and cultural variables in adaptation to a one-year wintering in Antarctica with 13 international participants. Results & Conclusion: These psychosocial issues have important implications for pre-mission selection and training, monitoring and support of crews during the mission and post-mission readaptation highlighting the role of psychologists in stressful and extreme situations.

research product

Self-Reported Adjustment of Teenagers at Soccer Training Centers: The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale

The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to measure adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers, particularly newcomers. The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale was adapted from the Institutional Integration Scale and assesses the trainee's adjustment to operating and social activities. The scale was tested on a sample of 136 trainees from four soccer centers. Exploratory analysis indicated that the 13 items formed five factors: peer adjustment, boarding supervisor adjustment, soccer adjustment, scholastic adjustment, and boarding adjustment. These factors had internal consistency reliability ranging from .76 to .94.

research product

Social, Occupational, and Cultural Adaptation During a 12-Month Wintering in Antarctica.

Background and methods Life in isolated and confined environments (ICEs) is subject to important constraints which can generate psychosociologically impaired outcomes. This study investigated psychological, social, occupational, and cultural variables which are among the most important determinants in adaptation to a one-year wintering in Antarctica for 13 international subjects. Results Our findings confirm and give further insight into the role of social (Cohesiveness, Social Support) and occupational (Implementation/Preparedness, Counterproductive Activity, Decision Latitude, and Psychological Job Demands) dimensions of adaptation to ICEs. Relationships between various social and occupat…

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Emotion–performance relationships in team sport: The role of personal and social identities

IF 2018: 1.25 (Q2); International audience; In the field of emotion–performance relationship in achievement situations, the social dimensions of emotions have been understudied. Thus, recent advances highlighted the need to explore identity processes to know whether group belonging may influence individuals’ emotions and performance when they are involved in a task-group. The current study introduced an innovative approach to continuously capture the variability of emotions (pleasant and unpleasant), identity levels (personal and social) and performances (individual and collective) experienced during volleyball games. Six elite players (M = 20.14 years; SD = 1.25) volunteered to participate…

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L’humain dans l’espace : défis psychologiques

International audience

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Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a modified Positive and Negative Affect Schedule including a direction scale (PANAS-D) among French athletes

Abstract Objectives The goal of these studies was to provide validity and reliability evidence of a modified Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) including a direction scale (PANAS-D). Study 1 tested the validity and reliability of the PANAS-D to measure both intensity and direction of affects. Study 2 examined the relationships between direction of affects and selected variables (i.e., coping, attainment of achievement goals and sport satisfaction) by controlling for intensity of affects. Method A total of 306 and 296 athletes (studies 1 and 2) completed the PANAS-D and other self-report questionnaires. Data were analysed with reliability, confirmatory factor analyses (study 1) an…

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Effet d’un accompagnement psychologique individualisé à distance sur la régulation émotionnelle des tennismen

International audience

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Performance et bien-être : L'apport de la psychologie du sport appliquée

research product

Perception of Coaching Behaviors, Coping, and Achievement in a Sport Competition

This study examined the relationship between perceived coaching behaviors, coping strategies during a sport competition, and sport achievement. A prospective design was used in which 80 athletes from individual sports completed measures of perceived coaching behaviors two days before a competition (Time 1) and measures of coping and sport achievement within three hours after a sport competition (Time 2). As expected, results of multiple regressions indicated that supportive coaching was a positive predictor of task-oriented coping and sport achievement whereas unsupportive coaching was a positive predictor of disengagement-oriented coping. Both types of coping were significantly associated …

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L’invariance temporelle des émotions en compétitions sportives

International audience

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