S. Ferrari
Tratamiento del osteosarcoma localizado de las extremidades
En la década de los setenta, la introducción de la quimioterapia preoperatoria en el tratamiento del osteosarcoma proporcionó mejoras dramáticas en los resultados obtenidos a largo plazo, en cuanto a la supervivencia libre de enfermedad y los procedimientos de salvación de miembros. En el presente trabajo se describe la experiencia acumulada en el Instituto Rizzoli, con la aplicación de varios protocolos activados sucesivamente. Igualmente, se describen los distintos factores pronósticos, la necrosis inducida por quimioterapia, dosis/intensidad y niveles séricos de metotrexato. In the seventies, the introduction of preoperative chemotherapy in the treatment of osteosarcoma dramatically impr…
The X-ray Facility at LAX in Palermo
A description is given of the X-ray facility installed at LAX (Laboratorio per Sperimentazioni con Radiazioni X), jointly operated in Palermo by the DEAF (Department of Energy and Physics Applications) of the University of Palermo and the IFCAT (Institute of Cosmic Physics and Informatics) of the Italian National Research Council. The X-rays are produced by bombarding a target with energized electrons up to 60 keV. Depending on the material of the target, characteristic fluorescence lines as well as continuous bremsstrahlung is emitted. The X-ray beam has an operational energy range of 0,1–25 keV with a flux of 1010–1012 photons/sr · s; the beam, collimated on a length of 10,5 m, has a diam…
Validation of the ISTH/SSC bleeding assessment tool for inherited platelet disorders: A communication from the Platelet Physiology SSC
Background: Careful assessment of bleeding history is the first step in the evaluation of patients with mild/moderate bleeding disorders, and the use of a bleeding assessment tool (BAT) is strongly encouraged. Although a few studies have assessed the utility of the ISTH-BAT in patients with inherited platelet function disorders (IPFD) none of them was sufficiently large to draw conclusions and/or included appropriate control groups. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to test the utility of the ISTH-BAT in a large cohort of patients with a well-defined diagnosis of inherited platelets disorder in comparison with two parallel cohorts, one of patients with type-1 von Willebrand disea…