Utilidad de los marcadores biológicos en la detección precoz y prevención del síndrome de burnout [Usefulness of biological markers in early detection and prevention of burnout syndrome]
Usefulness of biological markers in early detection and prevention of burnout syndrome Abstract: Burnout is associated with a worse health self-perception and greater physical and psychiatric comorbidity. The objective of this review is to summarize in a systematic way the main biomarkers associated with the burnout syndrome: cardiovascular (blood pressure, heart rate and variability of heart rate); sleep-related (quality, fragmentation, and sleep latency); associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary axis (cortisol, sa- livary IgA, lysozime, α-amylase and chromogranin-A); related to the immune system (natural killer cells and mononuclear ant…