Lorenzo J. Díaz
Robust existence of nonhyperbolic ergodic measures with positive entropy and full support
We prove that for some manifolds $M$ the set of robustly transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of $M$ with one-dimensional nonhyperbolic centre direction contains a $C^1$-open and dense subset of diffeomorphisms with nonhyperbolic measures which are ergodic, fully supported and have positive entropy. To do so, we formulate abstract conditions sufficient for the construction of an ergodic, fully supported measure $\mu$ which has positive entropy and is such that for a continuous function $\phi\colon X\to\mathbb{R}$ the integral $\int\phi\,d\mu$ vanishes. The criterion is an extended version of the control at any scale with a long and sparse tail technique coming from the previous w…
Stabilization of heterodimensional cycles
We consider diffeomorphisms $f$ with heteroclinic cycles associated to saddles $P$ and $Q$ of different indices. We say that a cycle of this type can be stabilized if there are diffeomorphisms close to $f$ with a robust cycle associated to hyperbolic sets containing the continuations of $P$ and $Q$. We focus on the case where the indices of these two saddles differ by one. We prove that, excluding one particular case (so-called twisted cycles that additionally satisfy some geometrical restrictions), all such cycles can be stabilized.
A criterion for zero averages and full support of ergodic measures
International audience; Consider a homeomorphism $f$ defined on a compact metric space $X$ and a continuous map $\phi\colon X \to \mathbb{R}$. We provide an abstract criterion, called control at any scale with a long sparse tail for a point $x\in X$ and the map $\phi$, which guarantees that any weak* limit measure $\mu$ of the Birkhoff average of Dirac measures $\frac1n\sum_0^{n-1}\delta(f^i(x))$ s such that $\mu$-almost every point $y$ has a dense orbit in $X$ and the Birkhoff average of $\phi$ along the orbit of $y$ is zero.As an illustration of the strength of this criterion, we prove that the diffeomorphisms with nonhyperbolic ergodic measures form a $C^1$-open and dense subset of the s…
Non-wandering sets with non-empty interiors
We study diffeomorphisms of a closed connected manifold whose non-wandering set has a non-empty interior and conjecture that C1-generic diffeomorphisms whose non-wandering set has a non-empty interior are transitive. We prove this conjecture in three cases: hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with two hyperbolic bundles, and tame diffeomorphisms (in the first case, the conjecture is folklore; in the second one, it follows by adapting the proof in Brin (1975 Topological transitivity of a certain class of dynamical systems, and flows of frames on manifolds of negative curvature Funct. Anal. Appl. 9 9–19)).We study this conjecture without global assumptions and pro…
A C1-generic dichotomy for diffeomorphisms: Weak forms of hyperbolicity or infinitely many sinks or sources
We show that, for every compact n-dimensional manifold, n > 1, there is a residual subset of Diff (M) of diffeomorphisms for which the homoclinic class of any periodic saddle of f verifies one of the following two possibilities: Either it is contained in the closure of an infinite set of sinks or sources (Newhouse phenomenon), or it presents some weak form of hyperbolicity called dominated splitting (this is a generalization of a bidimensional result of Mafine [Ma3]). In particular, we show that any Cl-robustly transitive diffeomorphism admits a dominated splitting.
Anomalous partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms III: Abundance and incoherence
Let $M$ be a closed 3-manifold which admits an Anosov flow. In this paper we develop a technique for constructing partially hyperbolic representatives in many mapping classes of $M$. We apply this technique both in the setting of geodesic flows on closed hyperbolic surfaces and for Anosov flows which admit transverse tori. We emphasize the similarity of both constructions through the concept of $h$-transversality, a tool which allows us to compose different mapping classes while retaining partial hyperbolicity. In the case of the geodesic flow of a closed hyperbolic surface $S$ we build stably ergodic, partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms whose mapping classes form a subgroup of the mapping…