G. Zini

How radical prostatectomy procedures have changed over the last 10 years in Italy: a comparative analysis based on more than 1500 patients participating in the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA and the Pros-IT CNR study

Purpose Therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer (PCa) have been evolving dramatically worldwide. The current article reports on the evolution of surgical management strategies for PCa in Italy. Methods The data from two independent Italian multicenter projects, the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA (started in 2007, holding data of 890 patients) and the Pros-IT-CNR project (started in 2014, with data of 692 patients), were compared. Differences in patients' characteristics were evaluated. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify characteristics associated with robot-assisted (RA) procedure, nerve sparing (NS) approach, and lymph node dissection (LND). Results The two cohorts did not …

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Generalized Fibonacci Dynamical Systems

In this paper we consider generalizations of dynamical systems that are based on the Fibonacci sequence. We first study stability properties of such systems for both the continuous and discrete–time case. Then, by considering the Kronecker operator, a further class of dynamical systems is introduced whose outputs can be used to define possible generalization of the golden section. Appli- cations of such system may range from realization of digital filters, manufacturing of tissue with fractal property, etc. Properties of sequences generated by these systems are partially considered and has to be further addressed.

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