Alessandro Cosenza
Energy harvesting by waste acid/base neutralization via bipolar membrane reverse electrodialysis
Bipolar Membrane Reverse Electrodialysis (BMRED) can be used to produce electricity exploiting acid-base neutralization, thus representing a valuable route in reusing waste streams. The present work investigates the performance of a lab-scale BMRED module under several operating conditions. By feeding the stack with 1 M HCl and NaOH streams, a maximum power density of ~17 W m−2 was obtained at 100 A m−2 with a 10-triplet stack with a flow velocity of 1 cm s−1, while an energy density of ~10 kWh m−3 acid could be extracted by a complete neutralization. Parasitic currents along feed and drain manifolds significantly affected the performance of the stack when equipped with a higher number of t…
On the modelling of an Acid/Base Flow Battery: An innovative electrical energy storage device based on pH and salinity gradients
Abstract Electrical energy storage can enhance the efficiency in the use of fluctuating renewable sources, e.g. solar and wind energy. The Acid/Base Flow Battery is an innovative and sustainable process to store electrical energy in the form of pH and salinity gradients via electrodialytic reversible techniques. Two electromembrane processes are involved: Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis during the charge phase and its opposite, Bipolar Membrane Reverse Electrodialysis, during the discharge phase. For the first time, the present work aims at predicting the performance of this energy storage device via the development of a dynamic mathematical model based on a multi-scale approach with distr…
Long-run operation of a reverse electrodialysis system fed with wastewaters.
The performance of a Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED) system fed by unconventional wastewater solutions for long operational periods is analysed for the first time. The experimental campaign was divided in a series of five independent long-runs which combined real wastewater solutions with artificial solutions for at least 10 days. The time evolution of electrical variables, gross power output and net power output, considering also pumping losses, was monitored: power density values obtained during the long-runs are comparable to those found in literature with artificial feed solutions of similar salinity. The increase in pressure drops and the development of membrane fouling were the main det…
An experimental investigation on ionic shortcut currents reduction in Acid-Base Flow Battery systems
An application of Reverse ElectroDialysis: energy production from produced water
Ionic shortcut currents via manifolds in reverse electrodialysis stacks
Abstract Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is a blue energy technology for clean and sustainable electricity harvesting from the mixing entropy of salinity gradients. Recently, many efforts have been devoted to improving the performance of RED units by developing new ion-exchange membranes and by reducing the detrimental phenomena affecting the process. Among these sources of “irreversibility”, the shortcut currents (or parasitic currents) flowing through alternative pathways may affect the process efficiency. Although such phenomena occur in several electrochemical processes (e.g. fuel cells, bipolar plate cells and vanadium redox flow batteries), they have received a poor attention in RED uni…
Desalination of oilfield produced waters via reverse electrodialysis: A techno-economical assessment
Produced waters (PWs) are oilfield waste streams rich in minerals and hydrocarbons whose production rate is largely increased in last decades following the corresponding increase of energy demand. The high salinity level of PWs inhibits the adoption of cheap biological treatments. Also, desalination techniques based on osmotic membranes would require severe pre-treatments. As an alternative, Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED) and Assisted Reverse ElectroDialysis (ARED) are here proposed for the first time to reduce the salinity level of PWs. RED may also guarantee an operation cost reduction thanks to its energy generation. An ad-hoc model for RED and ARED is here developed in order to deal suit…
Power Production from Produced Waters via Reverse Electrodialysis: A Preliminary Assessment
Wastewaters generated by crude oil extraction processes, called “produced waters” (PWs), are complex solutions that contain organic compounds, mainly hydrocarbons, and often exhibit high salinity. The large amounts of PWs represent a global issue because of their environmental impact. An approach widely used in the oil industry is the reinjection of this wastewater into the extraction wells after a suitable treatment. The high salt concentration of such solutions may be used in salinity gradient technologies to produce green electricity. Among these technologies, reverse electrodialysis (RED) is one of the most promising. In this work, the application of RED for energy generatio…