Antonio M. Lallena
Production of negative osmium ions by laser desorption and ionization.
The interest to produce negative osmium ions is manifold in the realm of high-accuracy ion trap experiments: high-resolution nearly Doppler-free laser spectroscopy, antihydrogen formation in its ground state, and contributions to neutrino mass spectrometry. Production of these ions is generally accomplished by sputtering an Os sample with Cs(+) ions at tens of keV. Though this is a well-established method commonly used at accelerators, these kind of sources are quite demanding and tricky to operate. Therefore, the development of a more straightforward and cost effective production scheme will be of benefit for ion trap and other experiments. Such a scheme makes use of desorption and ionizat…
Radiative pion capture in nuclei: a continuum shell-model approach
The radiative pion capture process in nuclei is approached by using a continuum shell-model description of the nucleus, together with a phenomenological treatment of the two particle-two hole effects. It is found that these effects play an important role to reproduce the observed experimental photon energy distribution. This distribution as well as the integrated one depends significantly on the details of the mean field potential. This makes this process interesting to investigate the nuclear structure dynamics.