Inmaculada Montoya
Predicting bullying: maladjustment, social skills and popularity
In order to prevent bullying, research has characterised the adolescents involved in terms of their social skills, maladjustment and popularity. However, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the relationships between these variables and how these relationships predict bullying involvement. Moreover, the literature has focused on pure bullies and victims, despite the fact that bully-victims are known to be the most troubled. The aim of this work is to study the relationships between these variables and their predictive value, focusing on the bully-victim role. The sample (N = 641) is made up of adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years. The results mainly indicate that the level of maladju…
Propuestas teóricas en la investigación sobre acoso escolar: una revisión
Four decades of research into peer bullying have produced an extensive body of knowledge. This work attempts to provide an integrative theoretical framework, which includes the specific theories and observations. The main aim is to organize the available knowledge in order to guide the development of effective interventions. To that end, several psychological theories are described that have been used and/or adapted with the aim of understanding peer bullying. All of them, at different ecological levels and different stages of the process, may describe it in terms of the relational dynamics of power. It is concluded that research needs to take this integrative framework into account, that i…
Conciencia emocional, estados de ánimo e indicadores de ajuste individual y social en niños de 8-12 años
La conciencia emocional o experiencia consciente de la emoción es un concepto clave relacionado con diferentes indicadores de ajuste individual del menor, como las quejas somáticas. Esta relación, mediatizada por los estados de ánimo, se ha demostrado en población preadolescente y adolescente. Sin embargo, apenas se ha analizado en franjas de edad más bajas e incluyendo otros indicadores de ajuste social, como la adaptación. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar la contribución de la conciencia emocional y los estados de ánimo, sobre diferentes indicadores de ajuste individual (quejas somáticas) y social (inadaptación evaluada a través del test TAMAI), en niños de 8-12 año…
Theoretical proposals in bullying research: a review
Four decades of research into peer bullying have produced an extensive body of knowledge. This work attempts to provide an integrative theoretical framework, which includes the specific theories and observations. The main aim is to organize the available knowledge in order to guide the development of effective interventions. To that end, several psychological theories are described that have been used and/or adapted with the aim of understanding peer bullying. All of them, at different ecological levels and different stages of the process, may describe it in terms of the relational dynamics of power. It is concluded that research needs to take this integrative framework into account, that i…
Conciencia emocional, estados de ánimo e indicadores de ajuste individual y social en niños de 8-12 años
Emotional awareness, mood and individual and social adjustment outcomes in children aged 8-12 years old. Abstract: Emotional awareness or conscious experience of emotion is a key concept related to different individual adjustment child outcomes, such as somatic complaints. This relationship, moderated by mood, has been found in preadolescent and adolescent population. However, little is known in younger children and including other adjustment outcomes, such as adaptation. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the contribution of emotional awareness and mood upon different adjustment outcomes: somatic complaints and inadaptation (assessed by the test TAMAI), in children aged 8-…
Problemas adolescentes en Iberoamérica
Data gathered in an Iberoamerican descriptive-comparative study on adolescent students are reported. Samples include subjects living in three different Argentine urban regions (Buenos Aires, Tucuman and Patagonia) and in the city of Valencia (Spain). For psychological assessment the Symptom Checklist (SCL – 90 – R), a sociodemographic survey including an open question on the most important emotional problem experienced during last year and a coping scale, in their Spanish versions, were used. We present data on reported problems, analyzed by sex, age and region, pointing out main differences found.