Dongchu Sun
Objective Priors for Discrete Parameter Spaces
This article considers the development of objective prior distributions for discrete parameter spaces. Formal approaches to such development—such as the reference prior approach—often result in a constant prior for a discrete parameter, which is questionable for problems that exhibit certain types of structure. To take advantage of structure, this article proposes embedding the original problem in a continuous problem that preserves the structure, and then using standard reference prior theory to determine the appropriate objective prior. Four different possibilities for this embedding are explored, and applied to a population-size model, the hypergeometric distribution, the multivariate hy…
Rejoinder on: Natural Induction: An Objective Bayesian Approach
Giron and Moreno. We certainly agree with Professors Giron and Moreno on the interest in sensitivity of any Bayesian result to changes in the prior. That said, we also consider of considerable pragmatic importance to be able to single out a unique, particular prior which may reasonably be proposed as the reference prior for the problem under study, in the sense that the corresponding posterior of the quantity of interest could be routinely used in practice when no useful prior information is available or acceptable. This is precisely what we have tried to do for the twin problems of the rule of succession and the law of natural induction. The discussants consider the limiting binomial versi…
Overall Objective Priors
In multi-parameter models, reference priors typically depend on the parameter or quantity of interest, and it is well known that this is necessary to produce objective posterior distributions with optimal properties. There are, however, many situations where one is simultaneously interested in all the parameters of the model or, more realistically, in functions of them that include aspects such as prediction, and it would then be useful to have a single objective prior that could safely be used to produce reasonable posterior inferences for all the quantities of interest. In this paper, we consider three methods for selecting a single objective prior and study, in a variety of problems incl…
Natural induction: An objective bayesian approach
The statistical analysis of a sample taken from a finite population is a classic problem for which no generally accepted objective Bayesian results seem to exist. Bayesian solutions to this problem may be very sensitive to the choice of the prior, and there is no consensus as to the appropriate prior to use.