Enrique Lluch-girbes
MOESM1 of Pain neuroscience education and physical exercise for patients with chronic spinal pain in primary healthcare: a randomised trial protocol
Additional file 1: PNE and PE Program Description.
Effectiveness of a Program Combining Strengthening, Stretching, and Aerobic Training Exercises in a Standing versus a Sitting Position in Overweight Subjects with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
There is an increasing incidence, prevalence, and burden of knee osteoarthritis due to a global increase in obesity and an aging population. The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of the addition of aerobic exercises performed in an unloaded or loaded position to a conventional exercise program in overweight subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Twenty-four subjects were randomly allocated to receive 36 sessions of 30-min duration of either sitting aerobic exercises (experimental group) or standing aerobic exercises (control group). Pain intensity, knee disability, and quality-of-life data were collected at baseline and at 12, 24, and 36 sessions. Generalized linear mixe…