Nora Lardiés
Dual-emitting Langmuir-Blodgett film-based organic light-emitting diodes.
Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films containing alternating layers of the metallosurfactants bis(4,4'-tridecyl-2,2'-bipyridine)-(4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine) ruthenium(II)-bis(chloride) (1) and bis[2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyridine](4,4'-dinonadecyl-2,2'-bipyridine)iridium(III) chloride (2) have been prepared. Langmuir monolayers at the air-water interface of 1 and 2 with different anions in the subphase have been characterized by pi-A compression isotherms and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). The transferred LB films have been characterized by IR, UV-vis and emission spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Electroluminescent devices formed by LB films containing alternating layers of thes…
Origin of the large spectral shift in electroluminescence in a blue light emitting cationic iridium(III) complex
A new, but archetypal compound [ Ir( ppy- F-2) (2)Me(4)phen] PF6, where ppy- F2 is 2-(2',4'- fluorophenyl) pyridine and Me(4)phen is 3,4,7,8- tetramethyl- 1,10- phenanthroline, was synthesized and used to prepare a solid-state light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEEC). This complex emits blue light with a maximum at 476 nm when photoexcited in a thin film, with a photoluminescence quantum yield of 52%. It yields an efficient single-component solid-state electroluminescence device with a current efficiency reaching 5.5 cd A(-1) and a maximum power efficiency of 5.8 Lm Watt(-1). However, the electroluminescence spectrum is shifted with respect to the photoluminescence spectrum by 80 nm resul…
Solid-state electrochemistry of LDH-supported polyaniline hybrid inorganic–organic material
Abstract The solid-state electrochemistry of a Zn–Al layered double hydroxide-supported polyaniline material (LDH-PANI) in contact with aqueous electrolytes is described. Interconversion processes between different forms (emeraldine, protoemeraldine, leucoemeraldine, nigraniline and pernigraniline) of the LDH-supported polyaniline units are involved in redox processes. This material exhibits significant variations of impedance upon application of different conditioning potentials, acting as an electrochemical frequency filter. Using Fe (CN) 6 4 - as redox probe, LDH-PANI can be used as a chemical–electrochemical information processing system equivalent to different combinational logic circu…
Near-Quantitative Internal Quantum Efficiency in a Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell
A green-light-emitting iridium(III) complex was prepared that has a photoluminescence quantum yield in a thin-film configuration of almost unity. When used in a simple solid-state single-layer light-emitting electrochemical cell, it yielded an external quantum efficiency of nearly 15% and a power efficiency of 38 Lm/W. We argue that these high external efficiencies are only possible if near-quantitative internal electron-to-photon conversion occurs. This shows that the limiting factor for the efficiency of these devices is the photoluminescence quantum yield in a solid film configuration. The observed efficiencies show the prospect of these simple electroluminescent devices for lighting and…
Segregation of lipid in Ir-dye/DMPA mixed monolayers as strategy to fabricate 2D supramolecular nanostructures at the air–water interface
A novel pseudospherical fluorinated iridium(III) derivative, Ir-dye/PF6, [Ir(F2-ppy)2(bpy)]PF6 (F2-ppy = 2-(2,4-difluoro)phenylpyridine, bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine), has been organized by using a lipid matrix, DMPA (dimyristoyl-phosphatidic acid), in several molar ratios at the air–water interface. The molecular organization of both components and the degree of miscibility in the different mixed films have been inferred by surface techniques such as π–A isotherms, ellipsometry, reflection spectroscopy, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), and IR spectroscopy for the LB films, additionally the results have been discussed according to the additivity rule. The equimolecular Ir-dye/DMPA mixture leads to…