Giuseppe Bonsangue

Ipotesi progettuale per il recupero ambientale di una ex discarica sita in c. da Palma, agro di Licata

Il recupero ambientale delle discariche dismesse rappresenta un problema ambientale per la notevole complessità degli aspetti e per le rilevanti competenze richieste. E’ necessario, pertanto, negli interventi di rinaturalizzazione predisporre piani di risanamento mirati e sviluppati sulla base di accurate indagini. Per rinaturalizzazione o rinaturazione si intende quella serie di operazioni di recupero ambientale che, con interventi di bio-ingeneria e con la mitigazione degli impatti, favoriscono il reinstaurarsi di relazioni ecologiche in un’area fortemente degradata come quella in studio. Si tratta di ricreare un ambiente “ospitale” per la flora e per la fauna autoctona, favorendo l’integ…

research product

Ethnobotanical investigation on wild medicinal plants in the Monti Sicani Regional Park (Sicily, Italy)

Ethnopharmacological relevance The area of the "Monte Sicani Regional Park" (Central Western Sicily, southern Italy) has been quantitatively and extensively investigated in an ethnobotanical study for the first time. A total of 108 wild species are used for medicinal purposes, while, according to our study, the uses of 9 species have not previously been reported in ethnobotanical studies in Italy (e.g.; the use of Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort. for the treatment of hyperhydrosis of the feet, the use of Lavatera agrigentina Tineo for cough and bronchitis). Aim of the study: The aim of this paper is to analyze, through quantitative indicators, the extent of the current knowledge on medicinal us…

research product

Risposta ornamentale di accessioni di peperoncino coltivati in vaso

Gran parte delle varietà di peperoncino, coltivate a scopo alimentare, è considerata interessante anche ai fini ornamentali. Ciò è attribuibile principalmente al frutto che rende questa pianta idonea alla coltivazione in vaso e per la realizzazione di aiuole e bordure. Il Consorzio di ricerca Co.Ri.S.S.I.A. di Palermo ha avviato una ricerca allo scopo di valorizzare il peperoncino come specie ornamentale da vaso. Sono state confrontate 34 varietà di peperoncino coltivate in quattro differenti tipologie di vaso, rilevando i principali parametri morfologici e estetici. La specie ha manifestato una buona adattabilità alla coltivazione in vaso, avvalorando, nel contempo, il suo impiego anche pe…

research product

A survey of wild plant species for food use in Sicily (Italy) - results of a 3-year study in four Regional Parks

Abstract Background This paper illustrates the results of a study carried out in four Regional Parks of Sicily (Italy), concerning traditional knowledge on food use of wild plant species. The main aims of the paper were: (i) to verify which wild plant species are used for food purpose in the local culture based on information provided by elderly inhabitants (ii) to verify the presence of wild plant species which have not been cited for food use in previous studies in the Mediterranean area (iii) to determine how many of the most frequently cited wild plant species are cultivated by the local population in the four Sicilian Parks. Methods Semi-structured interviews were carried out in the lo…

research product

Popular uses of wild plant species for medicinal purposes in the Nebrodi Regional Park (North-Eastern Sicily, Italy)

Ethnopharmacological relevance: The area of the Nebrodi Regional Park (North-Eastern Sicily, Italy) has Q3 been quantitatively investigated in an ethnobotanical study for the first time. A total of 90 wild species are used for medicinal purposes and the uses of 5 species have not previously been reported in ethnobotanical studies in Italy (e.g., the use of Arisarum vulgare O. Targ. Tozz. for the treatment of rheumatic pains, the use of Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke for the treatment of liver diseases). Aim of the study: The aim of this paper was to understand to what extent current knowledge on the medicinal use of plants is still an element of the culture within the rural populations of …

research product

Wastewater management using a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system in Western Sicily (Italy) for irrigation of Paspalum vaginatum Sw. turf

The reuse of treated wastewater represents an attractive prospect for sustainable water management in urban areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reuse of treated wastewater from constructed wetland systems for the irrigation of Seashore paspalum turf (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) and assess the effects of treated wastewater on the soil and turfgrass. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system (HSSF). Seashore paspalum plots were irrigated with freshwater and treated wastewater. In treated wastewater-irrigated plots, we estimated the amounts of nitrogen and potassium, supplied by irrigating with treated wastewater. The productive …

research product

Agronomic performance and energetic potential of two Brassica oilseed species in Sicily, Italy

Industrial crops for energy purposes are object of increasing interest worldwide and play an important role as a source of renewable energy. The aims of this study were to evaluate: i) the agronomic performance of Brassica napus L. var. oleifera D.C. and Brassica carinata A. Braun in a semi-arid environment; ii) to evaluate the economic viability of a pilot combined heat and power (CHP) plant operating on pure vegetable oil (PVO). The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy). The main biometric and yield parameters of the two species were determined. Chemical-physical characterizations were carried out on PVO for each species using specific protocols. The cogeneration of renewable energy …

research product

La dinamica evolutiva del comparto floristico del territorio di Palma di Montechiaro (AG) dalla prima metà dell’ottocento ad oggi

Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di presentare le dinamiche evolutive del comparto floristico del territorio di Palma di Montechiaro. Sono state analizzate tre diverse epoche, dalla prima metà dell’800 a oggi. Lo studio è partito dall’analisi dei dati presenti in un vecchio manoscritto risalente alla prima metà dell’ottocento. Le notizie ottenute dal corposo elenco di specie vegetali, riportato in questo manoscritto, sono state utilizzate per effettuare una analisi comparativa con i risultati delle ricerche condotte sullo stesso territorio nel 1966 dal Prof. M. Sortino e con i i rilievi effettuati nel biennio 2004-2005. L’attenzione è stata posta sulle variazioni della qualità e consisten…

research product

Reuse of urban-treated wastewater from a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system in Sicily (Italy) for irrigation of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) turf under Mediterranean climatic conditions

Constructed wetlands (CW) are one of the most important biological technology for the treatment and reuse of wastewaters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) from CW for irrigation of Bermudagrass turf (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and assess the effects of TWW on the biometric and qualitative parameters of the turfgrass and on chemical–physical soil properties. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system which was fed with urban TWW following secondary treatment from an activate sludge wastewater treatment plant. The pilot-system included three separate parallel units. The outflow TWW flowed downh…

research product

Bio-agronomic behaviour and an initial study of the energy properties of Carthamus tinctorius L. and Brassica carinata A. Braun crop residues

In recent years, the agro-energy sector has become of considerable importance, both as a vehicle towards realising the objectives established by the Kyoto protocol and as a means of meeting the ever increasing demand for energy. Biofuels represent one of the most promising forms of renewable energy due to their wide range of applications, although limited by the fact that they do not compete on a cost level with fossil fuels. This study takes a look at the bio-agronomic response and the physical and energetic properties of crop residues of a selection of Carthamus tinctorius L. and Brassica carinata A. Braun accessions in order to evaluate integrating oilseed production with lignocellulosic…

research product

Effects of Plant Density on the Number of Glandular Trichomes and on Yield and Quality of Essential Oils from Oregano.

Plants yields are influenced by agronomic techniques. Plant density is a complex issue and extremely important when maximizing both crop quality, and biomass and essential oil yields. Plants belonging to the Origanum vulgare subspecies hirtum (Link) Ietswaart were grown adopting four types of plant density and were characterized in biometric and chemical terms. The samples were analyzed using the ANOVA (Principal Component Analysis) statistical method regarding biometric aspects, EO yield and peltate hair density. Essential oil (EO) was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed using GC-FID and GC-MS. GC-FID and GC-MS analysis led to the identification of 45 compounds from the EO. Plant …

research product

Caratterizzazione bio-agronomica ed energetica di alcune specie presenti nella flora spontanea siciliana

La biomassa ligno-cellulosica, proveniente da numerosi arbusti della macchia mediterranea, grazie alla loro diffusa disponibilità sul territorio, rappresenta sicuramente una fonte rinnovabile di energia facilmente reperibile. Il crescente interesse verso tali fonti ha sollecitato la ricerca ad approfondire le conoscenze su quelle specie che, da un lato possano fornire una notevole quantità di biomassa, dotata di un elevato rendimento energetico, e che, dall’altro, richiedono bassi input energetici (concimazioni, lavorazioni, apporti irrigui, ecc.) per la loro coltivazione. In quest’ottica, è stato svolto uno studio per individuare specie arbustive della macchia mediterranea, contribuendo co…

research product

Phytochemical, ecological and antioxidant evaluation of wild Sicilian thyme: Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav.

In a broad survey conducted throughout the Sicily region, 45 different sites were identified where thyme grows wild. All the biotypes collected were classified as Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. (syn. Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link). Cluster analysis based on the main morphological characteristics of the plant led to the division of the biotypes into 3 major groups. All samples were analyzed for their secondary phytochemical metabolites identified in the extracts and the essential oils. LC-UV-DAD/ESI-MS and GC-FID/GC-MS have been applied to characterize the extracts and the essential oils, respectively. In the extracts, 15 flavonoid derivatives with taxifolin-di-O-glucoside and thymusin…

research product

Pollutant removal efficiency of a pilot-scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow in Sicily (Italy) planted with Cyperus alternifolius L. and Typha latifolia L. and reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation of Arundo donax L. for pellet productionResults of two-year tests under Mediterranean climatic conditions

Constructed wetland systems (CWs) are developed biological technologies for the treatment and reuse of wastewater. The aims of this study were to evaluate the treatment performance of a pilot Horizontal Subsurface Flow system (HSSFs), to evaluate the reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) from CWs for the irrigation of giant reed (Arundo donax (L.)) and to assess the effects of TWW on the biomass yield of giant reed grown for pellet production. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) in a pilot-scale HSSFs which was fed with urban-treated urban wastewater following secondary treatment from an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Giant reed plots were irrigated with TWW from plante…

research product

Agronomic Evaluation of Ethiopian Mustard (brassica Carinata A. Braun) Germplasm and Physical-energy Characterization of Crop Residues in a Semi-arid Area of Sicily (italy)

Brassica carinata A. Braun is one of the most interesting oilseed crops suited to arid and semi-arid areas for energy purposes. Several studies have highlighted the possibility of introducing this species into cropping systems, typical of Mediterranean region. The aims of this study were to evaluate the agronomic performance of Brassica carinata germplasm under Mediterranean climatic conditions and to assess the physical and energy characteristics of crop residues and pellets made from the residues. A total of 20 different accessions of Brassica carinata were compared in a semi-arid area of Sicily (Italy). In the two-year test period, the main morphological and yield parameters of the acces…

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