Jennifer D'anna
Effectiveness of BFRP confinement on the compressive behaviour of clay brick masonry cylinders
Abstract This paper presents the results of an experimental and analytical study on the compressive behaviour of small clay brick masonry cylinders reinforced with a basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) composite. Fourteen cylinders, manufactured using two assembling schemes and confined using either one or two layers of BFRP grids, were tested under monotonic compression loading. Traditional strain measuring systems were integrated with digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The BFRP confined masonry cylinders showed a ductile behaviour characterised by a softening branch of the stress–strain curve. The experimental strains, strength, and full stress–strain curves were modelled using…
Compressive behaviour of eccentrically loaded slender masonry columns confined by FRP
Abstract Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) confinement represents an effective tool for retrofitting masonry piers or columns enhancing their structural performance. This technique has been widely studied in the literature mainly with reference to short columns, while no extensive information is available on the influence of second order effects on its efficacy in case of slender members. Within this framework, the presented study concerns a simplified method able to assess the effects of FRP confinement on the compressive behaviour of slender masonry columns. A proper constitutive law of FRP confined masonry in compression is adopted for performing a sectional analysis, in which also consider…
Mechanical Characterization of a Basalt Fabric for TRM Composites: Role of the Test Variables
Textile reinforced mortar (TRM) materials are currently receiving great attention for the strengthening of reinforced concrete and masonry structural elements. Mortars with different strength classes have been coupled with different kind of synthetic fabrics, such as carbon, glass, steel, PBO. Recently natural fibres and, in particular, basalt fibres are receiving increasing interest since they proved to be a promising alternative to the most common synthetic fabrics, thanks to the reduced production costs and the consequent benefits in terms of environmental impact. This paper presents an experimental investigation comprising forty-one monotonic tensile tests on textile strips made with a …
Numerical modelling of the tensile behaviour of BFRCM strips
This paper aims at investigating the tensile behaviour of basalt fibres on cementitious matrix for the strengthening of masonry structures. The use of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (BFRCM) is favourably considered by the scientific community because it represents a natural composite material with high compatibility with stone and masonry substrate. The study is developed through the generation of Finite Element (FE) models capable of reproducing the tensile behaviour of BFRCM strips with different number of layers of grid. For the scope, the micro-modelling approach is adopted assuming different levels of detail for the simulation of the interface constitutive behaviour. Fibre…
Effects of Different Test Setups on the Experimental Tensile Behaviour of Basalt Fibre Bidirectional Grids for FRCM Composites
Fibre-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composites have been effectively used during the last ten years for the strengthening of existing concrete and masonry structures. These composite materials are made of medium- and high-strength fibre meshes embedded in inorganic matrices. Synthetic fibres are the ones that are currently the most used
Finite element analysis of the out-of-plane behavior of FRP strengthened masonry panels
Abstract In the present study a numerical model is proposed for the response of out-of-plane loaded calcarenite masonry walls strengthened with vertical CFRP strips applied on the substrate by means of epoxy resin. A simplified structural scheme is considered consisting in a beam fixed at one end, subjected to constant axial load and out-of-plane lateral force monotonically increasing. Two different constraint conditions are taken into account: in the first one, the panel is assumed free to rotate at the top end while, in the second one, the rotation is restrained. Three-dimensional finite elements are used for the calcarenite parts and an equivalent constitutive law available in the litera…
Experimental investigation on BFRCM confinement of masonry cylinders and comparison with BFRP system
Abstract Fabric reinforced cementitious mortar (FRCM) materials have started to be employed during the last years with the aim of overcoming the drawbacks related to the use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, proving to be potentially suitable for strengthening masonry structures. Moreover, the will to develop materials able to guarantee a certain degree of sustainability without renouncing to adequate mechanical properties has drawn the attention to the use of basalt fibres, which appear to be a valid alternative to carbon or glass fibres. This work presents an experimental investigation on a basalt FRCM (BFRCM) system to confine circular masonry columns, aimed at evaluating the…
Experimental investigation on basalt grid cementitious mortar strips in tension
Fibre reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composite materials are currently receiving great attention for strengthening reinforced concrete and masonry structures, especially when specific preservation criteria need to be fulfilled. FRCM composites can be a convenient alternative to fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) for their better resistance to high temperature and compatibility with stone and masonry structures. In this work an experimental study for the tensile characterization of basalt reinforced cementitious matrix (BRCM) strips is presented. Strips with one, two or three layers of grid were tested in tension to study the effect of reinforcement ratio on the tensile stress-strain res…
Una valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica, sia attraverso approcci fenomenologici che attraverso più accurati modelli meccanici non può prescindere dalla conoscenza (il più possibile accurata) di tali caratteristiche del costruito, che può essere acquisita spesso soltanto attraverso campagne di rilievo e di indagini sul costruito. In questo contesto, vengono inizialmente descritte le caratteristiche salienti del centro storico di Modica, per poi passare in rassegna i metodi di valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica a scala territoriale; infine verranno presentate alcune tecniche di mitigazione della vulnerabilità sismica, e presidi antisismici da mettere in atto per evitare che trasforma…
Effect of FRP Wraps on the Compressive Behaviour of Slender Masonry Columns
In the last decade, Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) wrapping technique has become a common method to retrofit masonry piers or columns with poor structural performances. The passive confinement effect induced by the external wrap allows increasing the compressive strength and ductility of the member. Several studies highlighted as the efficacy of this technique is affected by several key parameters, including the shape of the transverse cross section, stress intensification at the strength corner of sharp sections, amount and mechanical properties of adopted composite. Despite this technique has been widely studied from both theoretical and experimental point of view, most of studies focused…
The use of composites based on fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs) to strengthen masonry columns has become a common practice in the last decades. FRPs, however, exhibit some shortcomings when applied to masonry substrates, due to the organic nature of their matrix. For this reason, increasing attention is paid today to composites based on fibre-reinforced cementitious matrices (FRCMs), in which the polymeric matrix is replaced with an inorganic matrix (such as cementitious mortars). Cementitious matrices guarantee higher breathability and compatibility with the substrate, less sensitivity to debonding at the interfaces, and higher resistance to fire and high temperatures. Moreover, due to the…
On the use of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for evaluating the tensile behaviour of BFRCM strips
Abstract. Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites are becoming largely adopted for retrofitting masonry structures. These materials offer several advantages in comparison to Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites, such as good resistance to fire and high temperatures, vapour permeability, possibility to be applied on wet surfaces, higher compatibility with the masonry substrate. However, the tensile behavior of FRCM materials is more complex compared to FRP composites, due to the limited tensile strength of the cement-based matrix. For this reason, FRCM materials require appropriate tensile characterization and, in this context, the use of non-conventional measurement syst…
Effect of the different data survey scale on assessment of seismic exposure and vulnerability of the historic center of Caltabellotta
The results of the prediction of exposure and seismic vulnerability for the buildings of the historic center of Caltabellotta, obtained with databases of different levels of accuracy, are compared. In particular, the results obtained on the basis of the estimation of the characteristics and of the distribution of the typologies derived from the filling in of the CARTIS sheets on a sector scale are compared with those obtained through a survey from the outside to a building scale. In this latter area, indicators contained in the CARTIS are suitably supplemented with those available in the literature, partly modified to adapt them to the local reality. The vulnerability is evaluated on the ba…
Constitutive Numerical Model of FRCM Strips Under Traction
In this paper, the tensile behavior of Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) strips is investigated through Finite Element (FE) models. The most adopted numerical modeling approaches for the simulation of the fiber-matrix interface law are described. Among them, the cohesive model is then used for the generation of FE models which are able to simulate the response under traction of FRCM strips tested in laboratory whose results are available in the technical literature. Tests on basalt, PBO and carbon coated FRCM specimens are taken into account also considering different mechanical ratios of the textile reinforcement. The comparison between FE results and experimental data allows val…
Many investigations have shown that fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites can be effectively used to induce a passive confinement action on masonry columns and improve their axial capacity and ductility. This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the compressive behaviour of clay brick masonry cylinders externally wrapped with basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) grids. The circular section shape was chosen to assess the pure confinement effect on the masonry material. Fourteen clay brick masonry cylinders, cored from two different masonry assembly types, were confined with one or two layers of BFRP grids. The two assemblies were used to investigate the effect of vert…
La costruzione e l'organizzazione della conoscenza nel rilievo del centro storico di Modica
Il contributo descrive la metodologia utilizzata nel rilevamento dei caratteri tipologici del patrimonio edilizio esistente nel centro storico di Modica e nella successiva fase di sistematizzazione delle conoscenze acquisite.
Experimental investigation on the effectiveness of basalt-fibre strengthening systems for confining masonry elements
L’impiego di materiali compositi per il rinforzo di colonne in muratura è diventato una pratica ampiamente diffusa nel corso degli ultimi decenni. Questa tecnica, che consiste generalmente nell’applicazione di materiali polimerici fibrorinforzati (Fibre Reinforced Polymer-FRP), ha mostrato buone potenzialità, essendo in grado di garantire notevoli incrementi di resistenza e duttilità dell’elemento rinforzato, grazie ad un’azione di confinamento passivo. Tuttavia, l’impiego di compositi a matrice polimerica presenta alcuni limiti legati soprattutto alle prestazioni delle resine epossidiche, che a causa della loro natura sintetica danno luogo a problemi di compatibilità con il supporto murari…
Analytical stress-strain law of FRP confined masonry in compression: Literature review and design provisions
Abstract The use of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) wraps has become common in practical applications to retrofit existing columns with poor structural features. Wrapping the member with one or more FRP sheets makes it possible to induce confinement action and enhance strength and ductility. This application has been widely studied and adopted in reinforced concrete members for about twenty years, while its suitability to masonry columns and piers has been investigated during the last decade. The results of several studies were summarized in different design expressions for calculating effective confinement pressure, ultimate compressive stress and strain, and the overall trend of the stress…
Experimental application of digital image correlation for the tensile characterization of basalt FRCM composites
Abstract Composites made with inorganic matrix, namely fabric reinforced cementitious mortar (FRCM) composites are becoming widespread as strengthening materials for existing masonry structures. These composites are made of a dry grid of fibres embedded in an inorganic matrix. FRCMs can be considered a valid alternative to traditional organic composites such as fibre reinforced polymers (FRPs) because of their better compatibility with the masonry support. This work presents an experimental study for the tensile characterization of a basalt fabric reinforced cementitious mortar (BFRCM) composite. Tensile tests were carried out on coupons reinforced with one, two or three layers of grid to i…