Giuseppe Esposito

The use and beauty of ultra-high-resolution seismic reflection imaging in Late Quaternary marine volcaniclastic settings, Napoli Bay, Italy

A Nápolyi-öbölben felvett ultra nagy felbontású egycsatornás (IKB-Seistec™) reflexiós szeizmikus szelvények korábbi geológiai és geofizikai vizsgálatok eredményeivel együtt kivételes, eddig soha nem látott felbontású szeizmikus leképezését nyújtják a Flegrei-mezők és a Somma-Vezúv felszín alá süllyedt késő-pleisztocén–holocén rétegtani felépí - tésének. A szeizmikus szelvényeken látott geometria és gravitációs magvevővel nyert üledékek adatainak összevetéséből Campania partközeli kontinentális talapzatán számos olyan üledékes és vulkáni szerkezet, valamint hidrotermális jelenség került leképezésre, melyek a legutolsó glaciális maximum (kb. 18 000 év) óta keletkeztek. A Pozzuoli-öbölben mért…

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The holocene marine record of unrest, volcanism, and hydrothermal activity of campi flegrei and somma-vesuvius

Abstract This chapter illustrates the marine record of a spectrum of volcanic, hydrothermal, and sedimentary features that characterize the Latest Pleistocene–Holocene evolution of the Naples Bay offshore Campi Flegrei and Somma–Vesuvius. The work is based on review of previous literature integrated with interpretation of new high-resolution marine Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) derived from swath bathymetry surveys and high-resolution reflection seismic profiles calibrated with marine gravity core data. Seismic profiles from Pozzuoli Bay provide detailed images of the ring fault system and resurgent dome associated with the evolution of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) collapse caldera and …

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Positional brain ischemia with MCA occlusion successfully treated with extra-intracranial bypass.

408 Positional cerebral ischemia (PCI) is an extremely rare condition in which dramatic central nervous system deficits are triggered by standing in patients with severe stenosis or occlusion of the major brain-supplying blood vessels [1] . Because PCI is generally associated with orthostatic hypotension [2, 3] , a hemodynamic mechanism has been proposed [4] . However, PCI has been reported even in patients without orthostatic hypotension [1] . The treatment is medical, but surgery can be considered in refractory cases (endarterectomy for carotid artery stenosis or either highor low-flow extra-intracranial bypass – for carotid occlusion) [3] . We report a case of PCI associated with middle …

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Quality of life and disability of chronic non-cancer pain in adults patients attending pain clinics: A prospective, multicenter, observational study

What do we already know about this subject? • Chronic pain can have negative effects on quality of life. It is associated with a reduced ability to work, quality of life and disability, conditions that should be treated in specialized pain management clinics. In Italy very little information on clinical outcomes after chronic pain treatments is provided. What does our study add to the already existing information • This study is the first to provide clinical data about the impact of chronic pain in terms of quality of life and disability on patients who attended pain management clinics in Italy. • Chronic pain has a negative impact on quality of life and disability and causes presenteeism. …

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SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study

SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with an increased rate of venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients. Since surgical patients are already at higher risk of venous thromboembolism than general populations, this study aimed to determine if patients with peri-operative or prior SARS-CoV-2 were at further increased risk of venous thromboembolism. We conducted a planned sub-study and analysis from an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study of elective and emergency patients undergoing surgery during October 2020. Patients from all surgical specialties were included. The primary outcome measure was venous thromboembolism (pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis) within 30 da…

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Multidisciplinary Approach to Rainfall-Triggered Rockfalls: the Case Study of the Disaster of the Ancient Hydrothermal Sclafani Spa (Madonie Mts., Northern-Central Sicily, Italy) in 1851

Abstract. In 1851, the region of Sicily experienced many rainstorm-induced landslides. On 13 March 1851, a rainstorm brought about a severe rockfall disaster near the small town of Sclafani (Madonie Mountains, northern-central Sicily, Italy). Rocks detached from the carbonate crest of Mt. Sclafani (813 m above sea level) fell downslope, causing the collapse of the ancient hydrothermal spa (about 430 m above sea level) and burying it under their fragments. Fortunately, the event did not cause injuries or victims. Given its geological, geomorphological and structural features, the calcareous-dolomitic and carbonate-siliciclastic relief of Mt. Sclafani is extremely prone to landsliding. This s…

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Supplementary material to "Multidisciplinary Approach to Rainfall-Triggered Rockfalls: the Case Study of the Disaster of the Ancient Hydrothermal Sclafani Spa (Madonie Mts., Northern-Central Sicily, Italy) in 1851"

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Intracranial Venous Alteration in Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Protocol for the Prospective and Observational SAH Multicenter Study (SMS)

BackgroundArterial vasospasm has been ascribed as the responsible etiology of delayed cerebral infarction in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH), but other neurovascular structures may be involved. We present the protocol for a multicenter, prospective, observational study focused on analyzing morphological changes in cerebral veins of patients with aSAH.Methods and AnalysisIn a retrospective arm, we will collect head arterial and venous CT angiograms (CTA) of 50 patients with aSAH and 50 matching healthy controls at days 0–2 and 7–10, comparing morphological venous changes. A multicenter prospective observational study will follow. Patients aged ≥18 years of any gender …

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