Enrico Ruffini
Cell of origin markers identify different prognostic subgroups of lung adenocarcinoma
Strong prognostic markers able to stratify lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) patients are lacking. We evaluated whether a six-immunohistochemical markers panel (TTF1, SP-A, Napsin A, MUC5AC, CDX2 and CK5), defining the putative neoplastic “cell of origin,” allows to identify prognostic subgroups among lung ADC. We screened a large cohort of ADC specimens (2003–2013) from Torino Institutional Repository identifying: (i) marker positivity by immunohistochemistry, (ii) main morphological appearance by light microscopy, (iii) presence of “hotspot” mutations of candidate genes by Sequenom technology. To evaluate possible predictors of survival and time to recurrence, uni- and multivariable-adjusted comp…
The use of video-assisted thoracic surgery in the management of Pancoast tumours
We describe our experience using video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) as an adjunct to the surgical management of Pancoast tumors. Between March 2004 and November 2009, 13 patients with Pancoast tumors were included in this study. Surgery was performed by positioning the patient to allow either an anterior or a posterior thoracotomy. VATS was employed to explore the pleural cavity, to optimize the surgical access and as an assistance during surgical resection. Three patients with pleural carcinosis at thoracoscopy did not undergo further surgery. Seven lobectomies and three wedge resections were performed with an en bloc chest-wall resection and mediastinal lymphadenectomy. The surgical a…
SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study
SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with an increased rate of venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients. Since surgical patients are already at higher risk of venous thromboembolism than general populations, this study aimed to determine if patients with peri-operative or prior SARS-CoV-2 were at further increased risk of venous thromboembolism. We conducted a planned sub-study and analysis from an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study of elective and emergency patients undergoing surgery during October 2020. Patients from all surgical specialties were included. The primary outcome measure was venous thromboembolism (pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis) within 30 da…
A comparative analysis of Pancoast tumour resection performed via video-assisted thoracic surgery versus standard open approaches.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present paper was to conduct a comparative analysis of outcomes after thoracoscopic resection versus standard thoracotomy approach in the treatment of Pancoast tumours. METHODS: All consecutive patients with Pancoast tumours undergoing surgical treatment from March 2000 to November 2012 were enrolled. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to whether a thoracoscopic or standard thoracotomy approach was adopted. In addition to morbidity and mortality, (i) intensity of pain; (ii) respiratory function focusing on the postoperative value and its variation with respect to the predicted value (Delta); (iii) analgesic consumption at different times during the post…
The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Proposals for Revision of the TNM Stage Groupings in the Forthcoming (Eighth) Edition of the TNM Classification for Lung Cancer
AbstractThe IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee has collected a new database of 94,708 cases donated from 35 sources in 16 countries around the globe. This has now been analysed by our statistical partners at Cancer Research And Biostatistics and, in close collaboration with the members of the committee proposals have been developed for the T, N, and M categories of the 8th edition of the TNM Classification for lung cancer due to be published late 2016. In this publication we describe the methods used to evaluate the resultant Stage groupings and the proposals put forward for the 8th edition.