Die Bildung höherer Alkohole bei Aminosäuremangelmutanten von Saccharomyces cerevisiae III. Höhere Alkohole als Nebenprodukte der Aminosäuresynthese
Summary The formation of higher alcohols as byproducts of the synthesis of threonine, isoleucine and valine was investigated using isogenic haploid and diploid mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Genetic markers were ade 2, leu 1. The growth rate, the formation of ethanol, the amino acid metabolism and the formation of higher alcohols were determined during fermentations in a synthetic medium. n-Propanol-1, 2-methylbutanol-l and isobutanol were synthesized parallel to ethanol formation during exponential and stationary growth phase. However, the formation of 3-methylbutanol-l from leucine was restricted to the exponential phase. A comparison of haploid and diploid strains revealed,…