Markus Morgenstern
Mapováni spinů povrchových a bulkových Rashba stavů v tenkých vrstvách feroelektrického α-GeTe(111)
Rozbíjení inverzní symetrie ve fereeleRashba efekt; Fotoemisse; DFTktrickém polovodiči způsobuje děleni stavů, tzv Rashba efekt. V tomto článku ukazujeme kompletně mapování spinové polarizace těchto Rashba stavů za pomoci spinovo rozlišené fotoemisse. The breaking of bulk inversion symmetry in ferroelectric semiconductors causes a Rashba-type spin splitting of electronic bulk bands. This is shown by a comprehensive mapping of the spin polarization of the electronic bands in ferroelectric α- GeTe(111) films using a time-of-flight momentum microscope equipped with an imaging spin filter that enables a simultaneous measurement of more than 10 000 data points. The experiment reveals an opposite…
Tuning the Pseudospin Polarization of Graphene by a Pseudomagnetic Field.
One of the intriguing characteristics of honeycomb lattices is the appearance of a pseudo-magnetic field as a result of mechanical deformation. In the case of graphene, the Landau quantization resulting from this pseudo-magnetic field has been measured using scanning tunneling microscopy. Here we show that a signature of the pseudo-magnetic field is a local sublattice symmetry breaking observable as a redistribution of the local density of states. This can be interpreted as a polarization of graphene's pseudospin due to a strain induced pseudo-magnetic field, in analogy to the alignment of a real spin in a magnetic field. We reveal this sublattice symmetry breaking by tunably straining grap…