Elina Riivari
The development of ethical human resource management practices : Changes in Finland 1994–2014
This study discusses how ethical human resource management practices have developed over time. The study asks: How did ethical HRM practices change in industrial companies in Finnish society from 1994 to 2014? Did the changes in the economic situation in the society influence the changes in ethical HRM practices? To answer these research questions, we have conducted a survey in the years 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014 in Finland. The study shows that ethical HRM practices have strengthened during the 20 year research period. nonPeerReviewed
Mixed learning approach to teaching ethics in leadership and management: A case course in a multicultural group
The purpose of the paper is to analyse how a mixed learning approach (MLA) (e.g. case studies, applied drama) can facilitate teaching and learning ethics in business management. Partners from five different countries organized an international higher education course in the years 2013, 2014 and 2015. The aim of the course was to provide the students with skills to evaluate and solve ethical problems constructively in a multicultural group. This case portrays the benefits and challenges of the MLA and discusses what it takes from teachers and students to make the use of the approach successful. peerReviewed
Nuorten kirjoittamien runojen kielestä
Mixing Methods in Organizational Ethics and Organizational Innovativeness Research : Three Approaches to Mixed Methods Analysis
This chapter discusses three categories of mixed methods analysis techniques: variableoriented, case-oriented, and process/experience-oriented. All three categories combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to research methodology. The major differences among the categories are the focus of the study, available analysis techniques and timely aspect of the study. In variable-oriented analysis, the study focus is relationships between the research phenomena. In case-oriented analysis, the research focus is the meanings and experiences produced by the cases. The process/experience-oriented analysis examines a certain research phenomenon, which might be either a case or a variable, in a s…
Innovatiivisuden hyveet : monimenetelmällinen tutkimus eettisestä organisaatiokulttuurista ja organisaation innovatiivisuudesta
Lectio Praecursoria nonPeerReviewed
Feeling Good and Being Inspired on Campus : Meaningful Work in Academia
Theories related to good and caring organisations have gained interest amongst researchers. In particular, the concept of meaningful work has been under discussion recently in academia. This study contributes to knowledge of the concept of meaningful work by examining it from the perspective of good and caring organisations in the higher education context. Our focus this chapter is on the positive opportunities individual lecturers have to make their own work meaningful and to promote their students’ experiences of meaningfulness. The empirical findings are based on the analysis of qualitative data collected from a management course with special attention to relational features, such as dia…
Teaching and learning business ethics in a multicultural group
The relationship of collective creativity with managerial work and workplace climate in hierarchical and less hierarchical organizations
Collective creativity, managerial work, and workplace climate can influence innovation, organizational learning, and productivity at work. However, little empirical research has examined these factors in everyday work, especially in relation to organizational hierarchies. This study explores the relationships among collective creativity, managerial work, and workplace climate in hierarchical and less hierarchical organizations. A quantitative empirical analysis was conducted using data from a survey of 265 respondents from six Finnish organizations. The findings show that managerial work and workplace climate that focus on building and maintaining trust and highlight empathy, fairness and e…
Striving for Inclusion through Participatory Practices in Social Enterprises
The aim of this research case is to shed some empirical light on the effects of participatory practices from the perspective of Sen’s capability approach in a Finnish social enterprise. Using a mixed method approach we explore how participatory practices build social inclusion by enabling both company’s employees and customers to engage in social agency. The case study findings articulate the importance of participatory practices to employees’ perceptions of meaningfulness of life and being able to meet customers (who are mentally disabled) needs on the one hand and customers’ experience of information sharing and feedback giving to the employees and helping other customers. peerReviewed
Tytöt ja teknologia
Teknologia on yhä tiiviimpi osa ihmisten arkipäivää, mutta teknologinen suunnittelu ja alan päätöksenteko on säilynyt miesvaltaisena. UPDATE-hanke pyrkii selvittämään tyttöjen motivoitumista teknologia-alalle jo varhaislapsuudesta lähtien. Hankkeen eri osa-alueilla keskitytään muun muassa varhaiskasvatukseen, kouluikäisiin ja eri vaiheissa esiintyvien siirtymien ja esteiden analysointiin. Hankkeen kautta tuodaan myös Jyväskylän yliopistoa esille paikkana, jossa tuetaan oppijan lahjakkuutta sukupuolesta riippumatta.