T. Reichert
EGFR and PCNA experession in oral squamous cell carcinomas—a valuable tool in estimating the patient's prognosis
We investigated 100 cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas immunohistologically with respect to the expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The results were correlated with a new malignancy grading of the invasive tumour areas and the clinical outcome of the patients to estimate the individual prognosis. In conclusion, the amount of antigen expression of both antigens increases with the increasing grade of malignancy of the oral squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant correlation between the amount of antigen expression and the patient's prognosis. An overexpression of EGFR and PCNA is as…
Coexistence of weak and strong coupling with a quantum dot in a photonic molecule
We study the emission from a molecular photonic cavity formed by two proximal photonic crystal defect cavities containing a small number (<3) of In(Ga)As quantum dots. Under strong excitation we observe photoluminescence from the bonding and antibonding modes in excellent agreement with expectations from numerical simulations. Power dependent measurements reveal an unexpected peak, emerging at an energy between the bonding and antibonding modes of the molecule. Temperature dependent measurements show that this unexpected feature is photonic in origin. Time-resolved measurements show the emergent peak exhibits a lifetime $��_M=0.75 \, \pm 0.1 \, ns $, similar to both bonding and antibondi…
Downregulation of the constitutive tapasin expression in human tumor cells of distinct origin and its transcriptional upregulation by cytokines
Human tumor cells frequently exhibit abnormalities in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I surface expression which can be due to structural alterations and/or dysregulation of various components of the MHC class I antigen processing machinery, such as HLA class I heavy and light chains, the peptide transporter and the proteasome subunits. Although several cofactors critical for proper MHC class I assembly have been identified, their contribution to the immune escape phenotype of tumor cells has not been analyzed. In order to determine whether tapasin deficits are an integral part of immune escape mechanisms of human tumors, we studied the constitutive and cytokine-regulated e…
The role of osteonectin in human tooth development: An immunohistological study
We investigated immunohistologically 160 teeth and dental germs in various stages of tooth development taken from human individuals (13th week of pregnancy to the 24th year of life) to study the osteonectin expression in dental hard tissue. In the course of dentinogenesis, the predentin, the odontoblasts, and their cell processes show a positive osteonectin staining reaction. During cementogenesis, osteonectin is synthesized by cement-producing fibroblasts, cementoblasts, and cementocytes. The expression of osteonectin during dentinogenesis and cementogenesis is closely related to the development of the respective calcified tissue. All cells of the inner and outer enamel epithelium, the cel…