Vicente Alfonso-benlliure

Book Review: Psicología de la Creatividad. Perspectivas Contemporáneas

This work is the reissue, two decades later, of a book that became a reference for the study of creativity in the Spanish language. The current, renewed, completed and updated editionmaintains the rigor of the previous edition and its direct, personal, and lucid expressive style. The book 'Psicología de la Creatividad. Perspectivas contemporáneas' has an informative character and a scientific basis and offers an analytical approach to the study of creativity from the perspective of psychology, emphasizing the cognitive and motivational dimensions. This is a welcome reissue. It reviews the research literature over the past 12 years and offer an updated version of the state of the art in the …

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The impact of theatrical experiences on young adults in Spain

This study examines how young adults experience theatre and how this activity impacts their personal development. A total of 305 subjects, between 14 and 29 years old, completed the 'Theatre and me' (T&Y) battery of questions. Correlation and variance analysis were conducted considering age and gender. Older subjects reported that participating in drama activities has a greater impact on their lives, helps them to have a greater proclivity to take risks and to be more open-minded. With respect to gender, girls score higher than boys in 'Tolerance to RiskTaking and Commitment', 'Identity and Consciousness', Expression of Feeling' and 'Escape'

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Estudio piloto de la influencia de una intervención basada en mindfulness y autocompasión sobre la creatividad verbal y figurativa en estudiantes universitarios

Resumen La formacion en habilidades creativas debe ser uno de los objetivos fundamentales en la ensenanza universitaria, ya que favorece la adaptacion y el afrontamiento eficaz de los alumnos ante las exigencias sociales y de los ambitos academico y laboral. Este estudio analiza los efectos de una intervencion basada en mindfulness y autocompasion sobre la creatividad verbal y figurativa en un grupo de estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en la universidad. La muestra del estudio estuvo formada por 23 alumnos pertenecientes al Grado de Magisterio. El grupo experimental (n = 14) formo parte de una intervencion basada en mindfulness y autocompasion de 4 semanas de duracion. En el grupo control (n = 9…

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Creativity in Middle Childhood: Influence of Perceived Maternal Sensitivity, Self-esteem, and Shyness

This study aimed to examine the relationship between maternal sensitivity and affect, as perceived by the child, and childhood creativity. Self-esteem and shyness were considered mediating factors. A total of 151 elementary school pupils were tested on verbal and pictorial creativity, self-esteem, and perceived maternal affect and sensitivity. Their teachers assessed each child’s shyness in their relations at school. A Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model of the causal relationships among the study’s variables was tested. Results supported this theoretical model of causality. Maternal sensitivity had a significant, direct, positive effect on self-esteem, and a direct negati…

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Evaluation of a creativity intervention program for preschoolers

Abstract Creative practices during the preschool years of childhood appear to positively influence subsequent development. Taking a comprehensive approach, an intervention program was undertaken to develop creativity, taking into consideration the end result of the creative process as well as the process itself, and working with divergent as well as convergent thinking abilities. A quasi-experimental design was applied, taking pre and post-intervention measures in a group of 44 children ranging in age from 60 to 71 months-old. Experimental and control groups were assessed using the Test de Creatividad Infantil (Child Creativity Test) and the cognitive subtest of the Battelle Developmental I…

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The child creativity test (TCI): Assessing creativity through a problem finding task

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Is Age Just a Number? Cognitive Reserve as a Predictor of Divergent Thinking in Late Adulthood

The purpose of the study was to test a model of causal relationships among cognitive reserve (CR), personality variables such as Neuroticism and Openness to experience, and divergent thinking (DT), independently evaluating performance in different domains (verbal and graphic). It was hypothesized that CR, Openness, and Neuroticism would each directly influence verbal and graphic DT. A total of 135 subjects between 55 and 84 years old participated in the study and were interviewed in individual sessions. For a correct fit Neuroticism was eliminated from the measurement model. The goodness-of-fit indexes of the measurement model, the adequate composite reliability index and the discriminant v…

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Diseño y validación de la bater´ía de competencia literaria (BCL) Design and validation of the literary competence battery (LBC)

El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el proceso de diseño y validación de la Batería de Competencia Literaria (BCL). La Batería está formada por tres escalas: Escala de Conceptos Literarios (ECL), Escala de Procedimientos Literarios (EPL) y Escala de Actitudes hacia la literatura (EAL). La adquisición de la Competencia Literaria (CL) es el principal objetivo de la llamada Educación Literaria. Sin embargo, existen pocos métodos para medir esta competencia y la mayoría presentan problemas prácticos que limitan su estandarización. Un total de 221 adolescentes participaron en el proceso de diseño y validación. Se llevaron a cabo estudios sobre las propiedades de las pruebas incluyendo medid…

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Creativity development trajectories in Elementary Education: Differences in divergent and evaluative skills

Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyse the developmental trajectory during childhood of the divergent and evaluative skills implicit in the creative process. A total of 1491 children, aged between 6 and 12 years old, from seven Spanish schools participated in the study by answering the Test de Creatividad Infantil (Child Creativity Test). The aforementioned instrument is based on the theoretical framework of “problem finding” and covers both the creative process and the product. It requires designing a model with stickers -formulation of the problem and then later on producing a drawing based on the model -solving the problem. The results show three types of developmental trajectories…

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Creatividad y Personalidad a través de Dominios: Una revisión crítica

Este artículo tiene por objetivo ofrecer una visión completa y actualizada de las relaciones entre creatividad y personalidad. Se presenta una revisión crítica de las relaciones entre los distintos rasgos de personalidad, fundamentalmente desde los modelos de los Cinco Grandes (FFM) y de los Tres Gigantes, y la creatividad. Se reflexiona en torno a las repercusiones que el debate sobre la generalidad-especificidad de dominio conlleva sobre la relación entre creatividad y personalidad, y se presentan los hallazgos de los estudios más recientes con muestras por dominios. Se revisan propuestas teóricas que tienen como objetivo superar la fragmentación y el estancamiento del campo, conciliar la…

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Idle minds are the devil's tools? Coping, depressed mood and divergent thinking in older adults.

The main aim was to test a causal relations model of the problem-focused and emotion-focused coping styles, depressed mood, and divergent thinking (DT) in older adults. It was hypothesized that both forms of coping would have a significant effect on predicting depressed mood, and that problem-focused coping and depressed mood would have a significant effect on DT.Participants were 135 subjects with ages ranging between 55 and 84 years old, who took part in a personal interview and filled out several questionnaires. The statistical analysis included structural equations models (SEM).The initial model led to a final model endorsed by the goodness of fit, composite reliability, and discriminan…

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El teatro como recurso para afrontar los retos de la adolescencia.

El presente estudio, utilizando una metodología de investigación cualitativa, intenta profundizar en las creencias implícitas y percepciones que los adolescentes y jóvenes tienen sobre sus experiencias como participantes activos en actividades teatrales. Este artículo se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación (El Teatro y los Jóvenes) estructurado en varias fases y que combina metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas. Un total de 53 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 20 años participaron en el estudio. Estos fueron distribuidos al azar en 5 grupos de discusión. Las sesiones de trabajo fueron grabadas, transcritas y posteriormente analizadas, lo que permitió la identificación…

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Divergent Thinking in Older Adults : Understanding its Role in Well-being

The purpose of the study was to explore the nature of the relationship between Divergent Thinking and Well-being. Two theoretical models about the relationship between Divergent thinking, Psychological well-being and Life Satisfaction were tested. A total of 152 subjects between 65 and 84 years old participated in the study. Final model emphasises the idea that PWB is affected by DT and that PWB is also significantly related to LS. The model also highlights the importance of four dimensions of well-being: environmental mastery, life purpose, personal growth and self-acceptance. The goodness-of-fit indexes confirmed the existence of a significant relationship between DT and well-being, and b…

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The child creativity test (TCI): assessing creativity through a problem finding task

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