Estelle Herrscher

Dietary and funerary practices of French Roman population: first isotopic evidence

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Les nouvelles données de la paléogénétique et des analyses isotopiques

International audience

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Quantifying the evolution of animal dairy intake in humans using calcium isotopes

International audience; The contribution of dairy products to modern human diets has a debated role in the expansion of Neolithic economies and the dynamics of demographic transitions. While current methods allow discussing dairy production and processing, no approach allows reconstructing quantitatively its effective consumption. Calcium isotopes (δ44/42Ca) potentially represent such a marker due to the abundance of isotopically fractionated Ca in dairy products. Here, we test Ca isotope sensitivity to dietary intake of dairy product: we first used a dietary model based on a compilation of available data of dietary Ca sources; we then compared the modelled outputs to available and newly ac…

research product

Les populations de l'âge du Bronze en Ile-de-France. Recherches sur la paléoalimentation et la mobilité : le PCR Bronz'Pal. 19:57-64.

International audience

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Normes alimentaires et déterminants socioculturels dans le nord de la Gaule romaine : apport de l’analyse isotopique d’ossements humains et animaux du site du Clos au Duc à Évreux (27)

International audience

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The influence of religious identity and socio-economic status on diet over time, an example from medieval France

International audience; In Southern France as in other parts of Europe, significant changes occurred in settlement patterns between the end of Antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Small communities gathered to form, by the tenth century, villages organized around a church. This development was the result of a new social and agrarian organization. Its impact on lifestyles and, more precisely, on diet is still poorly understood. The analysis of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in bone collagen from the inhabitants of the well-preserved medieval rural site Missignac-Saint Gilles le Vieux (fifth to thirteenth centuries, Gard, France) provides insight into their dietary practices and enab…

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