J. Weinert
Changes in the Three Dimensional Structure of Synaptic Ribbons in the Pineal Gland of the Guinea-Pig Caused by Constant Light
Synaptic bodies (SBs) are dynamic synaptic organelles of afferent synapses of the retina, inner ear, lateral line organ and pineal gland in vertebrates. When investigated in a transmission electron microscope, their electron-dense rod-like, round or irregular profiles are surrounded by electron-lucent vesicles. The three-dimensional structure of pineal SBs is not precisely known. Pineal glands of two guinea-pigs (one kept under an LD cycle of 12:12 h; one kept in constant light for 8 weeks) were investigated. SBs were reconstructed in three dimensions to visualise morphological changes in constant light. Transmission electron microscope micrographs from up to 18 serial sections with a known…
A highly-segmented ΔE-time-of-flight wall as forward detector of the 4π-system for charged particles at the SIS/ESR accelerator
Abstract At the SIS/ESR accelerator facility at GSI in Darmstadt the 4π-detector system FOPI is under construction at present. It is designed for the investigation of central collisions of heavy ions in the energy range up to 2 A GeV. As phase I of this detector a forward wall has been built and used in various experiments. It comprizes a total number of 764 scintillators with an additional shell of 188 thin ΔE -detectors in front of it and covers the full azimuth of the polar angles from 1° to 30°. The velocity and the nuclear charge of the fragments are determined by a combined time-of-flight and ΔE measurement.
Real and simulated endoscopy of neurosurgical approaches in an anatomical model
Endoscopy simulation is a new visualisation technique which can be used to visualise patient anatomy as seen through endoscopes. In the following, we describe the application of simulated endoscopy to neurosurgical endoscopic approaches. We assess different aspects of virtual images and their influence on the final result, as judged by clinicians. One of these aspects is the projective geometry which is used to render the 3D images. Rendering using stereographic projection leads to more realistic endoscopic views than perspective projection.