Measurement of the cross section for open b-quark production in two-photon interactions at LEP
Deuteron and anti-deuteron production in e+ e- collisions at the Z resonance
Deuteron and anti-deuteron production in Z decays has been observed in the ALEPH experiment at LEP. The production rate of anti-deuterons is measured to be per hadronic Z decay in the anti-deuteron momentum range from 0.62 to 1.03 GeV/c. The coalescence parameter , which characterizes the likelihood of anti-deuteron production, is measured to be in Z decays. These measurements indicate that the production of anti-deuterons is suppressed in collisions compared to that in pp and photoproduction collisions
Two-particle correlations in pp, (p)over-bar(p)over-bar and (KSKS0)-K-0 pairs from hadronic Z decays
Two-particle correlations in pp, and pairs have been studied in hadronic Z decays recorded at LEP with the ALEPH detector. The correlations were measured as a function of the four-momentum difference Q of the pair. For pp, pairs a depletion of events is observed in the region , and for pairs an enhancement of events is observed in the region . These features are consistent with expectations from Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein statistics, respectively.
Bose-Einstein correlations in W-pair decays with an event-mixing technique
Bose-Einstein correlations in W-pair decays are studied using data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP at e+e- centre-of-mass energies from 183 to 209 GeV. The analysis is based on the comparison of WW→qq̄qq̄ events to "mixed" events constructed with the hadronic part of WW→qq̄ℓν events. The data are in agreement with the hypothesis that Bose-Einstein correlations are present only for pions from the same W decay. The JETSET model with Bose-Einstein correlations between pions from different W bosons is disfavoured.
Improved measurement of the triple gauge-boson couplings gamma WW and ZWW in e(+)e(-) collisions
Triple gauge-boson couplings ?WW and ZWW involving single-photon, single-W and W-pair production are determined using data samples collected at LEP with the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies between 183 and 209 GeV. The integrated luminosity used is 700 pb-1 for the single-photon measurement and 683 pb-1 for the W channels. Restricting the measurement to C- and P-conserving terms and applying local SU(2) L×U(1)Y gauge invariance, the measured values of the parameters g1 Z, ?? and ?? are: g1 Z=1.001±0. 027(stat)±0.013(syst), ??=0.971±0.055(stat) ±0.030(syst), ??=-0.012±0.027(stat) ±0.011(syst) for single-parameter fits, where the two other parameters are fixed to their Standard Model…