

Deuteron and anti-deuteron production in e+ e- collisions at the Z resonance

Schael SBarate RBrunelieRe RDe Bonis IDecamp DGoy CZe JeQuel SLees J.Martin FMerle EMinard M.Pietrzyk BB TrocmeBravo SCasado MpChmeissani MCrespo JmFernandez EFernandez Bosman MGarrido LMartinez MPacheco ARuiz HColaleo ACreanza DDe Filippis NDe Palma MIaselli GMaggi GMaggi MNuzzo SRanieri AGiuseppe RasoRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PTricomi AZito GHuang XLin JOuyang QWang TXie YXu RXue SZhang JZhang LZhao WAbbaneo DBarklow TBuchmuLler OCattaneo MClerbaux BDrevermann HForty RwFrank MGianotti FHansen JbHarvey JHutchcroft DeJanot PJost BKado MMato PMoutoussi ARanjard FRolandi LSchlatter DTeubert FValassi AVideau IBadaud FDessagne SFalvard AFayolle DGay PJousset JMichel BMonteil SPallin DPascolo JmPerret PHansen JdHansen JrHansen PhKraan AcNilsson BsKyriakis AMarkou CSimopoulou EVayaki AZachariadou KBlondel ABrient J.Machefert FA RougeVideau HCiulli VFocardi EParrini GAntonelli AAntonelli MBencivenni GBossi FCapon GCerutti FChiarella VLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas GpPassalacqua LKennedy JLynch JgNegus PO'shea VThompson AsWasserbaech SCavanaugh RDhamotharan SGeweniger CHanke PHepp VKluge EePutzer AStenzel HTittel KWunsch MBeuselinck RCameron WDavies GDornan PjGirone MMarinelli NNowell JRutherford SaSedgbeer JkThompson JcWhite RGhete VmGirtler PKneringer EKuhn DRudolph GBouhova Thacker EBowdery CkClarke DpEllis GFinch AjFoster FHughes GJones RwlPearson MrRobertson NaSloan TSmizanska MVan Der Aa ODelaere CLeibenguth GLemaitre VBlumenschein UHoLldorfer FJakobs KKayser FMuLler A.Renk BSander H.Schmeling SWachsmuth HZeitnitz CZiegler TBonissent ACoyle PCurtil CEalet AFouchez DPayre PTilquin ARagusa FDavid A.


coalescence modelproduction


Deuteron and anti-deuteron production in Z decays has been observed in the ALEPH experiment at LEP. The production rate of anti-deuterons is measured to be per hadronic Z decay in the anti-deuteron momentum range from 0.62 to 1.03 GeV/c. The coalescence parameter , which characterizes the likelihood of anti-deuteron production, is measured to be in Z decays. These measurements indicate that the production of anti-deuterons is suppressed in collisions compared to that in pp and photoproduction collisions
