Sami Ylistö
Miksi työnhaku ei kiinnosta? Nuorten pitkäaikaistyöttömien työnhakuhaluttomuudelle kertomia syitä
Artikkelissa tutkitaan, miten pitkäaikaistyöttömät nuoret selittävät haluttomuuttaan hakea työ- tai opiskelupaikkaa. Aineistossa on 28 elämänkulku- haastattelua, jotka on analysoitu sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tilapäinen haluttomuus hakea työ- tai opiskelupaikkaa on yleinen piirre haastateltujen nuorten tarinoissa. Tarkastelen työnhakuhaluttomuutta elämänhallinnallisena valintana. Nuoret selittivät työnhakuhaluttomuuttaan rationaalisilla, emotionaalisilla ja elämänarvoihin liittyvillä syillä. Nuorten haastatteluiden perusteella työnhakuhaluttomuus liittyy ensisijaisesti työnhakuprosessin ongelmiin, ja vaikea työmarkkinatilanne on keskeinen työnhakuhaluttomuuteen johtava taustatekijä. peerRev…
Vastuussa omasta elämästä : elämänhallinta sosiologisena näkökulmana jälkimodernin ihmisen elämään
Cost-effectiveness of a multi-professional case management experiment in Finnish labor market services
The study undertook an economic evaluation of a multi-professional case man-agement intervention targeted at long-term unemployed Finns. The cost-effectiveness outcome of the intervention was analyzed in a matched case-control study framework involving a six-month follow-up. Effectiveness was measured by standardized quality of life indicators, and an indicator measuring personal capabilities. Individual level costs were derived from health and social services utilization data. Cost-effectiveness of the intervention was examined in relation to services as usual. The studied labor market intervention was associated with a positive change in the selected quality of life indicators; physical a…
Negative emotional consequences of labour market activation policies for long-term unemployed young adults in Finland
PurposeThis article deals with the negative emotional consequences of active labour market policies (ALMPs) for long-term unemployed young adults in Finland. Although such policies may have positive effects, an exploration of their negative impacts reveals their problematic side effects. We explore various aspects of ALMP interventions that prevent individuals from gaining such positive outcomes and thus reduce their motivation to invest in the policies.Design/methodology/approachDrawing on the affect theory of social exchange, we understand that individuals seek positive rewards from social interactions. Our data is taken from life course interviews with unemployed people aged 20–31 in cen…
Why do Young People Give up Their Job Search?
The decision to search or not to search for work is usually considered a purely individual choice. However, this is a simplistic view, which ignores important structural and situational aspects of job search behaviour. This article discusses the reasons why long-term unemployed youth in Finland give up their search for work or a student place. The data comprise 28 life course interviews that were analysed by means of content analysis. The data show that young people’s job seeking behaviour is greatly influenced by how they view their labour market position and prospects. Job search abandonment is often temporary and young people soon resume their search because of the expectations of the so…