Why do Young People Give up Their Job Search?
Sami Ylistösubject
Employmentjob search obstaclesHealthlcsh:HD4801-8943pitkäaikaistyöttömätlcsh:Labor. Work. Working classnuorisotyöttömyystyönhakupitkäaikaistyöttömyysLabour marketesteet (ilmiöt)description
The decision to search or not to search for work is usually considered a purely individual choice. However, this is a simplistic view, which ignores important structural and situational aspects of job search behaviour. This article discusses the reasons why long-term unemployed youth in Finland give up their search for work or a student place. The data comprise 28 life course interviews that were analysed by means of content analysis. The data show that young people’s job seeking behaviour is greatly influenced by how they view their labour market position and prospects. Job search abandonment is often temporary and young people soon resume their search because of the expectations of the society around them and their willingness to find work. The young people interviewed provided rational, emotional and life value reasons for their decision to suspend their job search. The article offers a deeper understanding of youths’ job search behaviour. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-09-01 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies |