Daiga Behmane

Experience and overall satisfaction of foreign patients with the health care services received in Latvia

The study evaluates foreign patients' experience and satisfaction in relation to the health care received in Latvia. By applying the gap model of service evaluation, the study reveals the difference between expected and received service outcome in Latvia, and draws conclusions about the importance of individual and patient experience factors related to the overall patient satisfaction. The study concludes that in all groups of factors matrix proposed in the study: (1) general travel or destination factors; (2) communication factors; (3) factors related to the choice of service and (4) factors related to the choice of health care institution, patients evaluated the perceived health care outc…

research product

Ārvalstu pacientu piesaisti noteicošie faktori un to saistība ar pacientu pieredzi un kopējo apmierinātību ar saņemto veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu Latvijā

Promocijas darbā izpētīti pacientu rīcības un piesaistes faktori pacientvērstas pārrobežu veselības aprūpes kontekstā, uz kā pamata autore izveidojusi ārvalstu pacientu piesaisti noteicošo faktoru novērtēšanas sistēmu un modeli. Piesaisti ietekmējošo faktoru novērtējums liecina, ka ārstniecības iestāžu iespējas piesaistīt ārvalstu pacientus Latvijā ietekmē ārējie politiskie un ekonomiskie faktori, bet iekšējo faktoru grupā izšķiroša loma ir vadības faktoriem, investīciju un personāla pieejamībai. Kopējā ārvalstu pacientu apmierinātība ar saņemto veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu Latvijā ir augsta un ir saistīta ar vispārējiem ceļošanas, komunikācijas un pakalpojuma izvēles faktoriem. Visās fakt…

research product

Conceptual Framework for Attracting Foreign Patients to Health Care Services

Given the global nature of health services and increasing competition between regions and health care providers, the aim of the study is to develop a theoretical framework and conceptual model for attracting foreign patients to the health care services. In this study, the authors have summarized the results of their previous empirical research based on integrative literature review to develop a comprehensive understanding of the dimensions and factors characterizing the phenomenon of international competitiveness of health care services. The theoretical study results were validated in expert interviews and applied research studies and the applicability of the developed model was tested in t…

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