Prevalence and severity of eating disorders: A comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 among German adolescents.
Objective Changes in the DSM-5 eating disorders criteria sought to increase the clarity of the diagnostic categories and to decrease the preponderance of nonspecified eating disorders. The first objective of this study was to analyze how these revisions affect threshold and EDNOS/OSFED eating disorder diagnoses in terms of prevalence, sex ratios, and diagnostic distribution in a student sample. Second, we aimed to compare the impairment levels of participants with a threshold, an EDNOS/OSFED and no diagnosis using both DSM-IV and DSM-5. Method A sample of 1654 7th and 8th grade students completed self-report questionnaires to determine diagnoses and impairment levels in the context of an ea…
Prevention of eating disorders-Efficacy and cost-benefit of a school-based program ("MaiStep") in a randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Objective Given the severity of eating disorders, effective and easily implementable prevention programs which reduce incidence rates and in addition have health-economic benefits are essential. The majority of research on prevention programs focuses on questionnaire-based efficacy or the reduction of eating disorder symptoms while neglecting the health-economic perspective. By contrast, the present study focuses on both an efficacy analysis considering diagnostic criteria (DSM-5) and on evaluating the cost-benefit of a universal prevention program for eating disorders ("MaiStep"). Method A three-arm randomized controlled trial with baseline, posttreatment and 12-month follow-up was conduct…
Treating eating disorders in the real world — MaiStep: A skill-based universal prevention for schools
Eating disorders are difficult to treat and often associated with morbidity and mortality. Universal prevention approaches are increasingly focusing on enhancing skills, but few eating disorder programs are available for under-15-year-olds. This study aimed to develop and examine a school-based universal prevention program ('MaiStep') for adolescent boys and girls. A three-arm randomized controlled trial with baseline, post-intervention and 12-month follow-up was conducted with 1654 adolescents (M = 13.35, SD 0.76). 'MaiStep' was delivered by psychologists in the first intervention group (IG1) and teachers in the second intervention group (IG2), and compared to an active control group (ACG)…