W. Doring
Scintillators for photon detection at medium energies—a comparative study of BaF2, CeF3 and PbWO4
Abstract In a comparative study, the performance of sub-arrays consisting of large CeF 3 and PbWO 4 crystals has been investigated with high-energy photons below 1 GeV. Energy and time resolutions are determined and compared with the corresponding values for BaF 2 based on the experience of operating the electromagnetic calorimeter Taps .
High-Energy Photon Detection With LYSO Crystals
For the first time, the response function to high-energy photons of a 3 times 3 matrix comprising large volume LYSO crystals was measured using energy marked photons provided by the tagged photon facility of MAMI. The crystal quality was determined based on the optical transparency, the intrinsic radioactivity and the luminescence yield. Energy and time resolutions for photons up to 490 MeV photon energy have been deduced from the reconstruction of the electromagnetic shower deposited into the crystal array and the data delivers very promising results.
Electromagnetic calorimetry with PbWO/sub 4/ in the energy regime below 1 GeV
The study of the performance and application of PbWO/sub 4/ in electromagnetic calorimetry at energies far below 1 GeV has been continued. The significantly improved optical and scintillation properties of 15 cm long Nb/La-doped crystals, optimized for the ECAL/CMS calorimeter, are documented. The lineshape, energy and time response of a 5/spl times/5 matrix are tested with monoenergetic photons up to 790 MeV energy and compared to previous measurements. First attempts have been made to enhance the scintillation yield by suitable dopants (Mo,Tb) for applications at very low photon energies. As a first large scale project at medium energies, the proposed concept for a compact photon spectrom…