Ieva Pūķe
Mārketinga spējas un to ietekme uz jaunu eksportēšanu uz jaunu eksportējošu uzņēmumu rezultātiem
Promocijas darbā pētīta mārketinga spēju ietekme uz uzņēmumu rezultātiem jaunu eksportējošu uzņēmumu kontekstā. Pētījuma rezultātā identificētas jauniem eksportētājiem nepieciešamās specifiskās mārketinga spējas, kuru attīstīšana uzlabo eksporta rezultātus: klientu iesaistīšana, partneru attiecību veidošana, tirgus izprašana, jaunu produktu attīstība, stratēģiskais radošums. Identificēta jauna Eksporta mārketinga kultūras spēja ar šādām dimensijām: proaktīvs, strauji reaģējošs, adaptīvs, atvērts eksperimentiem. Tās izmantošana uzlabo eksporta rezultātus, kā arī paaugstina stratēģisko mārketinga spēju līmeni uzņēmumā. Izstrādātais specifisko mārketinga spēju ietekmes modelis pielietojams uzņ…
Differences in the Exchange of Contents of Different Countries in Social Network Sites
The global tool social network sites (SNSs) depend on local issues. The paper compares Latvia (LV), Hungary (HU), United Kingdom (UK) and Germany (GER) to identify similarities and differences in the kind of content which is forwarded to private SNSs. The research evaluates if the global tool SNSs depend on local issues e.g. the country of origin of the member. The influence of the cultural background on the intensity to exchange information is explored in the paper. The research has been done via a survey, survey data were analysed with indicators descriptive statistics, ANOVA to test the difference between the countries and correlation analysis to analyse correlation between factors of so…
Revealing Employer’s Name in Social Networks
Abstract The research investigates the question of the importance of mentioning the name of the employer in online and offline social networks. The exchange of information is an important part of social networks and social capital theory. Companies can use the networks of their employees to recruit new hires and to check habits and interests of likely new employees. To do that, the employee has to mention the name of the company in these social networks. The paper compares different real social networks used by family and friends and private and business social network sites (SNSs) as online social networks and compares the differences between men and women. The empirical research has been …