Timothy F. Watson
Ultramorphology and dentine permeability changes induced by prophylactic procedures on exposed dentinal tubules in middle dentine
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in dentinal permeability (i.e. hydraulic conductance) after prophylactic treatments performed using prophy-powders with air-polishing system or prophy-pastes on exposed middle dentine. The changes in dentine morphology were evaluated by SEM. Study design: Commercial prophylactic pastes and air-polishing powders were tested in this study. Dentine discs from human third molars were used to study the quantitative reduction of the dentine permeability under simulated pulpal pressure (20 cm H 2O). Further specimens were gold-coated and analysed using observed a SEM. Results: The results of this study showed different dentine perme…
The effect of dentine pre-treatment using bioglass and/or polyacrylic acid on the interfacial characteristics of resin-modified glass ionomer cements.
Objective To evaluate the effect of load-cycle aging and/or 6 months artificial saliva (AS) storage on bond durability and interfacial ultramorphology of resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) applied to dentine air-abraded using Bioglass 45S5 (BAG) with/without polyacrylic acid (PAA) conditioning.Methods RMGIC (Ionolux, VOCO) was applied onto human dentine specimens prepared with silicon-carbide abrasive paper or air-abraded with BAG with or without the use of PAA conditioning. Half of bonded-teeth were submitted to load cycling (150,000 cycles) and half immersed in deionised water for 24 h. They were cut into matchsticks and submitted immediately to microtensile bond strength (μTBS) …