J. Alnis
Cavity ring down spectrometry for disease diagnostics using exhaled air
In this paper we report the current stage of the development of a cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) system using exhaled human breath analysis for the diagnostics of different diseases like diabetes and later lung cancer. The portable CRDS system is made in ultraviolet spectral region using Nd:Yag laser 266 nm pulsed light. Calibration of the CRDS system was performed using generated samples by KinTek automated permeation tube system and self-prepared mixtures with known concentration of benzene and acetone in air. First experiments showed that the limits of detection for benzene and acetone are several tens of ppb.
Vibrational effects in Na2( , v′)+Na(3p3/2) associative ionization
Abstract Associative ionizing Na2( A 1 Σ + u , v′)+Na(3p3/2) collisions have been studied in a single supersonic beam with respect to the influence of the initial vibrational excitation of the molecules on the reaction efficiency. An enhancement of trimer ion yield of nearly one order of magnitude has been observed as the vibrational excitation increases from v′=0 to v′=14.
Compact solid-state laser source for 1S-2S spectroscopy in atomic hydrogen
We demonstrate a novel compact solid-state laser source for high-resolution two-photon spectroscopy of the $1S-2S$ transition in atomic hydrogen. The source emits up to 20 mW at 243 nm and consists of a 972 nm diode laser, a tapered amplifier, and two doubling stages. The diode laser is actively stabilized to a high-finesse cavity. We compare the new source to the stable 486 nm dye laser used in previous experiments and record 1S-2S spectra using both systems. With the solid-state laser system we demonstrate a resolution of the hydrogen spectrometer of 6 \times 10^{11} which is promising for a number of high-precision measurements in hydrogen-like systems.
First results of cavity ring down signals from exhaled air
In this paper we report first results from the developed cavity ring-down spectrometer for application in human breath analysis for the diagnostics of diabetes and later for early detection of lung cancer. Our cavity ring-down spectrometer works in UV region with pulsed Nd:YAG laser at 266 nm wavelength. First experiments allow us to determine acetone and benzene at the level bellow ppm. In our experiment, first results from breath samples from volunteers after doing different activities were collected and examined. Influence of the smoking on the breath signals also was examined.
Optical diagnostic method for benzene detection in air
In this paper we show our first results of research for creation a detector for benzene vapor and possibly other volatile organic compounds detection in air based on Zeeman atomic absorption technique. First the detailed study of benzene absorption spectra with high resolution spectrometer Jobin-Yvon 1000M was done. The absorption spectra of benzene were registered in the spectral range from 200-900 nm. More detailed analysis was done for the 240 – 260 nm spectral range to test a possibility to detect benzene by means of emission line of 254 nm of mercury.
Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy measurements of Acetone concentration
This research has been partly supported by the National Research Programme "The next generation of information and communication technologies" (NexIT).