V. Lyapin

New approach to energy loss measurements

Abstract A new approach to energy loss measurements is proposed. In the same experiment electronic stopping force (power) in gold, nickel, carbon, polycarbonate and Havar for 40 Ar, 28 Si, 16 O, 4 He and 1 H ions in the energy range 0.12–11 MeV/u has been measured. In this paper we give the full results for gold, nickel, and carbon and for 40 Ar, 16 O, 4 He and 1 H ions. Good agreement of the measured stopping force values for light ions with literature data is interpreted as the positive test of the experimental technique. The same technique used with heavy ions yields agreement with the published data only for energies above 1 MeV/u. At lower energies we observe progressively increasing d…

research product

ALICE T0 detector

T0-the fast timing and trigger detector for the ALICE experiment at CERN LHC-is described. Performance of the T0 prototype measured with a mixture of 6 GeV/c negative pions and kaons is given. The best time resolution (28 ps r.m.s.) was reached with a radiator diameter matching that of the photocathode. The results for all the tested radiator sizes are considerably better than 50 ps-the minimum requirement for the ALICE experiment.

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A novel method for obtaining continuous stopping power curves

Abstract A new method has been developed for obtaining continuous stopping power curves in transmission geometry. In the method both the incident energy of the particle and its energy after passing through the sample foil are extracted directly from the semiconductor detector. Full range of energies is measured simultaneously eliminating step-by-step measurements and providing continuous data. A time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer provides unambiguous matching of relevant particle groups from the run with and without absorber. Suitable energy distribution of incident particles was achieved by choosing the right thickness and tilting angle of a scattering foil. The method is very fast and reli…

research product

The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC

Journal of Instrumentation 3(08), S08002 (2008). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08002

research product

Simultaneous wide-range stopping power determination for several ions

A new procedure to extract simultaneously continuous stopping power curves for several ions and several absorbers over a wide energy range and with statistical errors reduced to negligible level is presented. The method combines our novel time-of-flight based method with the capability of our K130 cyclotron and ECR ion-source to produce the so-called ion cocktails. The potential of the method is demonstrated with a 6.0 MeV/u cocktail consisting of 16O4+, 28Si7+ and 40Ar10+ ions. The stopping power in polycarbonate in the energy range of 0.35–5 MeV/u has been determined with absolute uncertainty of less than 2.3% and with relative below 0.2%. The results are compared with literature data and…

research product

Stopping power measurement of 48Ca in a broad energy range in solid absorbers

Abstract Stopping power of 48 Ca ions in C, Ni and Au was measured using TOF-E method. The results cover energy range from 0.1 to 5.3 MeV/u (5–250 MeV). The reliability of our experimental method was verified and confirmed by TOF–TOF measurements. The results are compared with theoretical (PASS) and semi empirical (SRIM2003) predictions.

research product

Energy loss of 40Ar in Au: Comparison of TOF-E and TOF–TOF method

Abstract Energy loss of 40Ar ions in Au has been measured using two methods: TOF-E and TOF–TOF. The two methods are compared and discussed. The final results cover energy range 2–445 MeV (0.05–11 MeV/u) and give satisfactory agreement with SRIM 2003 predictions. Statistical error of the data is at the level of 1–2%.

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