T. Dickel

Decay studies in the A∼225 Po-Fr region from the DESPEC campaign at GSI in 2021

The HISPEC-DESPEC collaboration aims at investigating the struc-ture of exotic nuclei formed in fragmentation reactions with decay spectroscopymeasurements, as part of the FAIR Phase-0 campaign at GSI. This paper reportson first results of an experiment performed in spring 2021, with a focus on beta-decaystudies in the Po-Fr nuclei in the 220 < A <230 island of octupole deformationexploiting the DESPEC setup. Ion-beta correlations and fast-timing techniques arebeing employed, giving an insight into this difficult-to-reach region. peerReviewed

research product

Ba$^{2+}$ ion trapping by organic submonolayer: towards an ultra-low background neutrinoless double beta decay detector

If neutrinos are their own antiparticles, the otherwise-forbidden nuclear reaction known as neutrinoless double beta decay ($\beta\beta 0\nu$) can occur, with a characteristic lifetime which is expected to be very long, making the suppression of backgrounds a daunting task. It has been shown that detecting (``tagging'') the Ba$^{+2}$ dication produced in the double beta decay ${}^{136}\mathrm{Xe} \rightarrow {}^{136}$Ba$^{+2}+ 2 e + (2 \nu)$ in a high pressure gas experiment, could lead to a virtually background free experiment. To identify these \Bapp, chemical sensors are being explored as a key tool by the NEXT collaboration . Although used in many fields, the application of such chemose…

research product

High-resolution, accurate MR-TOF-MS for short-lived, exotic nuclei of few events in their ground and low-lying isomeric states

Mass measurements of fission and projectile fragments, produced via $^{238}$U and $^{124}$Xe primary beams, have been performed with the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) of the FRS Ion Catcher with a mass resolving powers (FWHM) up to 410,000 and an uncertainty of $6\cdot 10^{-8}$. The nuclides were produced and separated in-flight with the fragment separator FRS at 300 to 1000 MeV/u and thermalized in a cryogenic stopping cell. The data-analysis procedure was developed to determine with highest accuracy the mass values and the corresponding uncertainties for the most challenging conditions: down to a few events in a spectrum and overlapping distributions, ch…

research product

The dynamics of ions on phased radio-frequency carpets in high pressure gases and application for barium tagging in xenon gas time projection chambers

NEXT Collaboration: et al.

research product

Fast-timing Measurement in \(^{96}\)Pd: Improved Accuracy for the Lifetime of the \(4_1^{+}\) State

Direct lifetime measurements via γ–γ coincidences using the FATIMA fast-timing LaBr3(Ce) array were performed for the excited states below previously reported isomers. In the N = 50 semi-magic 96Pd nucleus, lifetimes below the I π = 8+ seniority isomer were addressed as a benchmark for further analysis. The results for the I π = 2+ and 4 + states confirm the published values. Increased accuracy for the lifetime value was achieved for the 4 + state. peerReviewed

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