Piet W. Brouwer
Time-energy filtering of single electrons in ballistic waveguides
Characterizing distinct electron wave packets is a basic task for solid-state electron quantum optics with applications in quantum metrology and sensing. A important circuit element for this task is a non-stationary potential barrier than enables backscattering of chiral particles depending on their energy and time of arrival. Here we solve the quantum mechanical problem of single-particle scattering by a ballistic constriction in an fully depleted quantum Hall system under spatially uniform but time-dependent electrostatic potential modulation. The result describes electrons distributed in time-energy space according to a modified Wigner quasiprobability distribution and scattered with an …
Continuous-Variable Tomography of Solitary Electrons
A method for characterising the wave-function of freely-propagating particles would provide a useful tool for developing quantum-information technologies with single electronic excitations. Previous continuous-variable quantum tomography techniques developed to analyse electronic excitations in the energy-time domain have been limited to energies close to the Fermi level. We show that a wide-band tomography of single-particle distributions is possible using energy-time filtering and that the Wigner representation of the mixed-state density matrix can be reconstructed for solitary electrons emitted by an on-demand single-electron source. These are highly localised distributions, isolated fro…
Transition of laser-induced terahertz spin currents from torque- to conduction-electron-mediated transport
Spin transport is crucial for future spintronic devices operating at bandwidths up to the terahertz range. In F|N thin-film stacks made of a ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic layer F and a normal-metal layer N, spin transport is mediated by (1) spin-polarized conduction electrons and/or (2) torque between electron spins. To identify a crossover from (1) to (2), we study laser-driven spin currents in F|Pt stacks where F consists of model materials with different degrees of electrical conductivity. For the magnetic insulators yttrium iron garnet, gadolinium iron garnet (GIG) and γ−Fe2O3, identical dynamics is observed. It arises from the terahertz interfacial spin Seebeck effect (SSE), is fully det…
Femtosecond formation dynamics of the spin Seebeck effect revealed by terahertz spectroscopy
Understanding the transfer of spin angular momentum is essential in modern magnetism research. A model case is the generation of magnons in magnetic insulators by heating an adjacent metal film. Here, we reveal the initial steps of this spin Seebeck effect with <27fs time resolution using terahertz spectroscopy on bilayers of ferrimagnetic yttrium-iron garnet and platinum. Upon exciting the metal with an infrared laser pulse, a spin Seebeck current $j_\textrm{s}$ arises on the same ~100fs time scale on which the metal electrons thermalize. This observation highlights that efficient spin transfer critically relies on carrier multiplication and is driven by conduction electrons scattering …