Jhony Jalier Mejia Diaz

Theoretical review of emotional intelligence: models and measuring instruments

Abstract This theoretical review of emotional intelligence (EI) starts from the earliest conceptualizations made by Galton, Binet, Stemberg Thurstone and Thordinke Gardner, who, during their historical period, were successful in laying the basis for the birth of emotional intelligence as a theoretical construction which was introduced for the first time, in scientific literature, in 90’s. Since then, different EI models have been developed and investigative contributions have been increased. In this article, the most representative EI models will be described with details, such as: 1) Mental ability model (Ability Based) developed by Mayer and Salovey 2) Model of emotional competences by Go…

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Intelligenza Emotiva e adattamento psico-sociale in adolescenti immigrati di seconda generazione.

Saranno riportati i risultati di uno studio volto ad esaminare se i livelli individuali di Intelligenza Emotiva in adolescenti immigrati di seconda generazione sono associati positivamente ai differenti indicatori di adattamento psicosociale, quali il benessere individuale, le relazioni sociali con i pari, la performance e la motivazione scolastica A questo scopo, 307 adolescenti di età compresa tra i 10 ed i 18 anni, 237 di origine italiana (153 F, 84 M) e 70 immigranti di seconda generazione (39 F, 31 M) sono stati valutati mediante il test IE-ACCME (D’Amico, 2013) per la misurazione dell’Intelligenza Emotiva, la scala di Ryff (versione italiana di Ruini, 2003) per il benessere psicologic…

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The goal of this research has investigated if individual levels of EI in adolescent immigrants of second generation are related to different indicators of psychological adjustment such as individual well-being and peer relationships. To this aim, a group of 266 students of two schools in Palermo: 63 immigrants and 203 autochthonous aged from 10 to 18 (M=13.6, SD=25.3) EI was measured using a recently published Italian test IE-ACCME (D’Amico, 2013) addressed to preadolescents and adolescents and aimed at measuring the four branches of emotional intelligence described in Mayer & Salovey’s model (1997) using both self-report and performance measures. Psychological well-being was measured using…

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Does Emotional Intelligence play a role in psychosocial adjustment of adolescent immigrants of second generation?

The study is aimed at exploring if individuals’ levels of EI in adolescent immigrants of second generation are related to different indicators of psychosocial adjustment, such as individual well-being, social relationships with peers, scholastic performance and motivation. To this aim, a group of 307 adolescents aged 10-18 years, 237 autochthonous (153 females, 84 males) and 70 immigrants of second generation (39 females, 31 males), attending two secondary schools in Palermo, Italy, were involved in the research. EI was measured using a recently published Italian test IE-ACCME (D’Amico, 2013) addressed to preadolescents and adolescents and aimed at measuring the four branches of emotional i…

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Il ruolo dell’Intelligenza Emotiva nell’adattamento psico-sociale di adolescenti immigrati di seconda generazione.

L'obiettivo di questo studio è indagare se un training in intelligenza emotiva (IE) in pre-adolescenti immigrati di seconda generazione, aiuta a migliorare il benessere individuale e l’accettazione sociale, favorendo così l’inclusione sociale. A tal fine, sono state coinvolte due classi di un istituto comprensivo di Palermo: una sperimentale e una di controllo, per un totale di 38 partecipanti di cui 17 immigrati e 21 autoctoni, tra i 12 e 15 anni di etá. Il training ha integrato metodologie e attivitá dei programmi INTEMO (Ruiz-Aranda 2013) e “Sviluppare l’Intelligenza Emotiva” (D’Amico e De Caro, 2008). Entrambi i programmi si basano sul modello di ability IE di Mayer e Salovey, (1997). G…

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