Ageing, longevity, exceptional longevity and related genetic and non genetics markers: panel statement
In May 2012, a group of scientists and clinicians met in Athens (Greece) to consider the relevance of ageing, longevity, exceptional longevity and related genetic and non genetic markers. During this meeting, we firstly reviewed recent epidemiological and clinical studies on ageing, longevity and exceptional longevity, briefly analysed the ageing theories and discussed successful and unsuccessful ageing also taking into account the evolutionary perspective. Secondly, we considered the three phenotypes based on the definition of ageing, longevity and exceptional longevity and the associated biomarkers. Third, we discussed proposed treatments suitable to counteract or slow down ageing. Finall…
Curcumin, inflammation, ageing and age-related diseases
Abstract A Symposium regarding the Pathophysiology of Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing was held in Palermo, Italy between April 7 and 8th 2009. Here the lecture by Sikora with some input from the chairpersons Scapagnini and Barbagallo is summarized. Ageing is manifested by the decreasing health status and increasing probability to acquire age-related disease such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders and others. They are likely caused by low grade inflammation driven by oxygen stress and manifested by the increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α, encoded by genes activated by the transcription factor NF-κB. It is believed th…
The Challenges in Moving from Ageing to Successful Longevity
During the last decades survival has significantly improved and centenarians are becoming a fast-growing group of the population. Human life span is mainly dependent on environmental and genetic factors. Favourable modifications of lifestyle factors (e.g. physical activity, diet and not smoking) and healthcare (e.g. effective vascular disease prevention) have also increased human life span. Genetic factors contribute to the variation of human life span by around 25%, which is believed to be more profound after 85 years of age. It is likely that multiple factors influence life span and we need answers to questions such as: 1) What does it take to reach 100?, 2) Do centenarians have better he…
“Mitotic Slippage” and Extranuclear DNA in Cancer Chemoresistance: A Focus on Telomeres
Mitotic slippage (MS), the incomplete mitosis that results in a doubled genome in interphase, is a typical response of TP53-mutant tumors resistant to genotoxic therapy. These polyploidized cells display premature senescence and sort the damaged DNA into the cytoplasm. In this study, we explored MS in the MDA-MB-231 cell line treated with doxorubicin (DOX). We found selective release into the cytoplasm of telomere fragments enriched in telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), telomere capping protein TRF2, and DNA double-strand breaks marked by γH2AX, in association with ubiquitin-binding protein SQSTM1/p62. This occurs along with the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) and DNA repa…