Samy Hadjadj
Bénéfices cardiovasculaires et rénaux des inhibiteurs de SGLT2 : mécanismes de la protection
Resume Les inhibiteurs de SGLT2 ont montre, dans plusieurs etudes prospectives, leur benefice cardiovasculaire et renal avec, plus particulierement, une diminution rapide et tres significative des hospitalisations pour insuffisance cardiaque et des evenements renaux severes : doublement de la creatinine ou recours a l’epuration extra-renale. Le lien fort entre la physiopathologie de l’insuffisance cardiaque et renale explique l’analyse commune des hypotheses de protection de cette classe medicamenteuse. Les mecanismes precis rendant compte de l’amelioration de la fonction myocardique et renale sous inhibiteurs de SGLT2 ne sont pas encore eclaircis, mais plusieurs hypotheses peuvent etre ava…
Genome-Wide Association Study of Diabetic Kidney Disease Highlights Biology Involved in Glomerular Basement Membrane Collagen
BACKGROUND: Although diabetic kidney disease demonstrates both familial clustering and single nucleotide polymorphism heritability, the specific genetic factors influencing risk remain largely unknown.METHODS: To identify genetic variants predisposing to diabetic kidney disease, we performed genome-wide association study (GWAS) analyses. Through collaboration with the Diabetes Nephropathy Collaborative Research Initiative, we assembled a large collection of type 1 diabetes cohorts with harmonized diabetic kidney disease phenotypes. We used a spectrum of ten diabetic kidney disease definitions based on albuminuria and renal function.RESULTS: Our GWAS meta-analysis included association result…
Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics in Evaluation of LIXisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome, a long-term cardiovascular end point trial of lixisenatide versus placebo
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular (CV) disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Furthermore, patients with T2DM and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) have a particularly high risk of CV events. The glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist, lixisenatide, improves glycemia, but its effects on CV events have not been thoroughly evaluated.METHODS: ELIXA (www.clinicaltrials.gov no. NCT01147250) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study of lixisenatide in patients with T2DM and a recent ACS event. The primary aim is to evaluate the effects of lixisenatide on CV morbidity and mortality in a population …
Genome-wide association study of diabetic kidney disease highlights biology involved in renal basement membrane collagen
Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a heritable but poorly understood complication of diabetes. To identify genetic variants predisposing to DKD, we performed genome-wide association analyses in 19,406 individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) using a spectrum of DKD definitions basedon albuminuria and renal function. We identified 16 genome-wide significant loci. The variant with the strongest association (rs55703767) is a common missense mutation in the collagen type IV alpha 3 chain(COL4A3)gene, which encodes a major structural component of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) implicated in heritable nephropathies. The rs55703767 minor allele (Asp326Tyr) is protective against several definit…
40(th) EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 2004
Efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin in patients with inadequately controlled type 1 diabetes (DEPICT-1): 24 week results from a multicentre, double-blind, phase 3, randomised controlled trial
Background Dapagliflozin is a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin as an add-on to adjustable insulin in patients with inadequately controlled type 1 diabetes. Methods DEPICT-1 was a double-blind, randomised, parallel-controlled, three-arm, phase 3, multicentre study done at 143 sites in 17 countries. Eligible patients were aged 18–75 years and had inadequately controlled type 1 diabetes (HbA1c between ≥7·7% and ≤11·0% [≥61·0 mmol/mol and ≤97·0 mmol/mol]) and had been prescribed insulin for at least 12 months before enrolment. After an 8 week lead-in period to optimise diabetes man…